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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Log4j critical vulnerability advice for customers

At Avantra, our customers trust us to keep their business operations based on SAP running smoothly. I have written in the past about the importance of SAP security, and how I believe that in the next few years, SAP risks becoming an attack vector for hackers. It should come as no surprise that security is an area in which Avantra has invested significantly since I became CEO.

Network AF, Episode 7: From Juilliard to bare metal with Zac Smith

In the latest episode of Network AF, your host Avi Freedman chats with Zac Smith. Zac is a 20-year networking veteran, the managing director of Equinix Metal, and a double bass player. Throughout Zac’s career, he’s focused on using software to build automated infrastructure platforms. That includes growing Voxel, the Linux-based hosting platform that sold to Internap in 2011, into one of the early, leading cloud-hosting companies.

ICYMI: Honeycomb Developer Week Wrap-Up

Getting started with observability can be time consuming. It takes time to configure your apps and practice to change the way you approach troubleshooting. So it can be hard to prioritize investing time, especially if you can’t clearly see how that investment will pay off. That’s why we put together Honeycomb Developer Week: short, snackable, time-efficient learning sessions to jumpstart your observability journey.

What is the Purpose of Observability? In a Word, Innovation

Asking an IT engineer or SRE to define the purpose of observability is kind of like asking someone to explain the purpose of life: There are lots of different opinions out there, and no way of proving any of them right or wrong. You could argue that observability is just a buzzword that refers to what used to be called monitoring.

The Top 25 Grafana Interview Questions

If you are looking for your next role which involves an in-depth knowledge of Grafana then you will want to make sure that you have revised sufficiently beforehand. In this resource guide on the top Grafana interview questions, we've listed all of the leading questions that candidates are commonly asked about this popular visual analysis tool alongside the answers you’ll need to pass. Want to improve your knowledge even further?

MQTT Topic and Payload Parsing with Telegraf

Buckle up, this one isn’t short…but I’m hoping it will be thoroughly informative! This post is about Telegraf as a consumer of MQTT messages in the context of writing them to InfluxDB. If you are interested in and unfamiliar with Telegraf, you can view docs here. Unsure if Telegraf aligns with your needs? I make a case for it in the Optimizing Writes section of this blog post. It may also help to have an understanding of Line Protocol, InfluxDB’s default accepted format.

Introducing the Sensu pipeline resource

Sensu’s observability pipeline includes resources for collecting, filtering, transforming, and processing observability data: checks, event filters, mutators, and handlers. These resources and Sensu’s observability pipeline concept are well seasoned and widely used at thousands of companies. However, configuration can be somewhat unintuitive, especially for new users.