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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Observability - An Ultimate Guide

A developers perspective is different. While managing various sectors in a software, sometimes it would be difficult to monitor the activities and identify the bug that is disrupting the functions. What if you can spot the error beforehand, and resolve it at the earliest? The strategies that we focus on, and implement are the ones that help us effectively manage our tasks. That is possible by knowing about Observability. Let's learn in detail about it through this blog. TABLE OF CONTENTS.

Logs and tracing: not just for production, local development too

We're a small team of engineers right now, but each engineer has experience working at companies who invested heavily in observability. While we can't afford months of time dedicated to our tooling, we want to come as close as possible to what we know is good, while running as little as we can- ideally buying, not building. Even with these constraints, we've been surprised at just how good we've managed to get our setup.

Incident Review - Rolling Comcast Outage Disrupts Work from Home for Millions of Users Across the U.S.

The rolling Comcast outage on Monday, November 8th and Tuesday, November 9th affected customers across the U.S., knocking users offline around the country. The first wave took place Monday evening in the San Francisco Bay area. The second, which had a wider geographic impact, occurred Tuesday morning, primarily affecting broad swathes of the Midwest, Southeast, and East Coast.

Serverless Observability: It's easier than you think!

Observability is a measure of how well the internal state of a system can be inferred from its external outputs. It helps us understand what is happening in our application and troubleshoot problems when they arise. It’s an essential part of running production workloads and providing a reliable service that attracts and retains satisfied customers.

Why and how to monitor AWS EKS

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, or EKS, is a managed Kubernetes service. That means that Amazon Web Services (AWS) handles some of the deployment and management tasks for users. But the fact that EKS is a managed service doesn’t mean that AWS manages all administrative tasks. One key management task that isn’t fully covered as part of EKS is monitoring.

Website Performance Monitoring and Optimization Best Practices

Websites are a must-have for any business that wants to survive in a highly competitive environment. Many people mistakenly think that only e-commerce projects need a website, but this is not the case. Absolutely every company needs website performance monitoring and virtually every initiative should be armed with its own webpage. But this article is not about why you need a website, but about how to track and manage its performance.

InfluxDB and GeoData - Emergency Generators

With the widespread use of LTE (Long Term Evolution), we are seeing more IoT devices come online in remote regions of our planet. Picture this scenario: A country is currently experiencing a national emergency due to an electrical grid failure. To mitigate the power shortage the government has deployed generators in the remote regions of their country to power the most remote villages. The problem? The villages are still reporting outages due to the emergency generators running out of fuel.

Discover VirtualMetric's Dashboard Playlists

VirtualMetric Real-time Monitoring Suite is supporting Dashboard Playlists, providing full visibility over your infrastructure and virtualization monitoring for your whole team. Monitoring a complex infrastructure is a hard task. We make it simple thanks to our Dashboard and a bunch of functionalities focused on your user experience, time-saving and improving the efficiency of your team.