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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Grafana EMEA meetup recap: accessibility, k6 testing, and multi-DC observability stacks

On Oct. 5, we hosted the first Grafana Virtual Meetup for an EMEA-based audience. Each Grafana meetup features “bite-sized” presentations from our user community and members of the Grafana Labs team. We want to provide opportunities (even virtually!) for members of our community to connect with one another and share what they’re working on or have learned.

Google Cloud Monitoring 101: Understanding metric types

Whether you are moving your applications to the cloud or modernizing them using Kubernetes, observing cloud-based workloads is more challenging than observing traditional deployments. When monitoring on-prem monoliths, operations teams had full visibility over the entire stack and full control over how/what telemetry data is collected (from infrastructure to platform to application data).

Going Beyond Observability with Rollbar and Datadog

In this webinar, we explore some of the common objectives shared by users of both Datadog and Rollbar and how best to accomplish those goals. Datadog provides comprehensive observability covering a large swath of services and components, while Rollbar’s advanced intelligence and code improvement features help to make code insights more actionable and easily fixable.

Best Practices for Proactive Monitoring is Self-Service

Large financial organizations depend on monitoring teams to create the monitoring scenarios necessary for the organization’s business-critical apps. This can be a challenge, with hundreds or even thousands of apps to monitor with limited resources. This challenge is often compounded by the constant updating and changing of these apps by larger application teams.

Migrating from Epsagon to Dashbird

With over 200 products offered by AWS, when designing a solution, such as a micro-services based system using a number of these services at its core, it becomes rather challenging to not only monitor them but on the onset of a problem troubleshooting it and resolving it within the least amount of time becomes a daunting task. Building a monitorable system requires a deep understanding of the failure domain of the critical components, which is a tall order for a fairly complex system.

Compare monitoring tools: Epsagon vs Dashbird

As the world is increasingly reliant on technology, software developers, cloud architects, and DevOps practitioners bear a responsibility similar to that of the health industry or to airplane pilots, for example. In this reality, cloud monitoring isn’t optional, it’s a matter of being professional. What is optional, however, is what monitoring solution to go for. Obviously, the one that best fits your specific needs but which one is it?

5 Ways Cloud Costs Can Spiral Out of Control

As CFO of Virtana, I face many of the same challenges as every CFO of a SaaS or enterprise software company today: cost containment, surprises, and an ever-escalating AWS bill. We all need help keeping these things in check. These challenges become even more difficult when your organization goes hybrid cloud. Fortunately, there are tools out there to help our teams help us manage these costs.

How companies can prevent employee turnover in the 'great resignation' era

What do you like about the place you work? Now there’s a question that many people have very different answers for than they did two years ago. After all, many of the perks of working in an office are no longer being enjoyed by employees. The person who loved walking into their sparkling office building with the stocked kitchen and comfy chairs? They’ve been working from their bedroom for over a year now, left to stock their own kitchen.

Energy Regulators Driving Cloud-First Strategies in Race to Net Zero Carbon

Every government in the world is evaluating the steps necessary to radically reduce carbon emissions. The UK Government has been especially proactive, not just assessing these steps, but rolling out aggressive carbon-control strategies and legislation. Originally, the UK Government’s Climate Change Act 2008 set a goal of an 80 percent reduction in the country’s carbon emissions by 2050.

Tucker Callaway on the State of the Observability Market

Tucker Callaway is the CEO of LogDNA. He has more than 20 years of experience in enterprise software with an emphasis on developer and DevOps tools. Tucker drives innovation, experimentation, and a culture of collaboration at LogDNA, three ingredients that are essential for the type of growth that we've experienced over the last few years.