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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

GSLB on NetScaler

This blog post is the first in a series highlighting actual questions asked to eG Enterprise during customer support calls and our answers to those. At first, it appeared that this customer had a simple active/passive web server set-up to provide failover resilience. However, it transpired that they were using Citrix ADC’s (was NetScaler) GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) features.

11 Key Stats to Know if You Work in HR & Tech Support

If you are reading this, chances are you aren’t at your office. And if you are, that office is very different than how it once was. Heck—we’re all different now, we think about work differently, we interact with colleagues almost exclusively through our screens, not face-to-face. So if offices aren’t the same and we’re not the same, then the teams that support us shouldn’t be the same either, right?

Windows 11 is here. Are you ready to deliver a new experience?

After much anticipation, Windows 11 has finally arrived, taking over as Microsoft’s primary Operating System. With a modern, sleek aesthetic and rearranged start menu and taskbar navigation, the new OS has caught the eyes of the members of the global workforce who will be using it daily very soon (or, at least, before Windows 10’s 2025 end-of-life date). But it’s also caught the eye of a group of people who are a bit more anxious about this change: IT professionals.

The Power Couple: How HR & IT Can Prevent Employee Turnover & Burnout

Forget the vanity metrics and the steady but painfully slow progress plans. HR professionals want to meet the demands of modern employees and rise to the challenge of a hybrid workforce by making a lasting change right now. That’s the dream, right? A happy employee stays your employee. A happy employee gets work done. A happy employee makes your company profitable. If we all had happy employees, we’d be happy.

Hook Relay Launched! Was it Fireworks or Crickets?

This week the Founders recap the initial Hook Relay launch and cover things they learned along the way. Also discussed is if developers will struggle to find purpose if products like Hook Relay make their lives too easy. Lastly, do you remember the days of converting PSDs to HTML? Tune in and prepare for launch!

Rollbar Pro Tips: Service links

Rollbar is not the “last stop” for monitoring and debugging - often you might also be interested in what your other monitoring and performance tools are telling you. Those tools were a few clicks and copy-pastes away - now with Service Links, they are just 1 click away. Rollbar is the leading continuous code improvement platform that proactively discovers, predicts, and remediates errors with real-time AI-assisted workflows. With Rollbar, developers continually improve their code and constantly innovate rather than spending time monitoring, investigating, and debugging.

Rollbar Pro Tips: Code context

By enabling Code context, Rollbar can show you additional lines of context for each entry in a traceback, saving your trouble of jumping to your source code to figure out where exactly an exception occurred. Rollbar is the leading continuous code improvement platform that proactively discovers, predicts, and remediates errors with real-time AI-assisted workflows. With Rollbar, developers continually improve their code and constantly innovate rather than spending time monitoring, investigating, and debugging.

Add More Metadata to Your Front-end JavaScript Errors in AppSignal

Our front-end JavaScript library has been updated with an easier way to add more metadata to front-end errors using the sendError and wrap helpers. Previously, sendError and wrap helpers only supported customizing tags and the namespace for the error. More information could be set on error spans if they were manually created, but now that type of information can be added to errors sent using these helpers.

A Primer on Prometheus Metrics

Keeping an eye on metrics is one of the essential things that every developer should do for their applications. Prometheus is a tool that has gained a lot of popularity in the field of metrics. When you start with Prometheus, you may not recognize its potential at first because it takes time to explore the entire tool. But once you become acquainted with the features, you will find it highly useful.

Achieving 86% Productivity Gains Through ITSM Automation

Manual incident management is an enormous challenge facing today’s enterprises. It wastes time and money, and often results in unhappy customers who have to deal with unreliable services because of persistent, unresolved issues. Manual ticket generation can take 20 to 30 minutes, and routing another 90—assuming the ticket is delivered to the right team.