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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Using Satellite Server for distributed environment monitoring

Today we will talk about one of the most versatile elements that Pandora FMS Enterprise offers us for monitoring distributed environments, the Satellite server. It will allow you to monitor different networks remotely, without the need to have connectivity directly from the monitoring environment with the computers that make it up.

What Is a Traffic Analysis Attack?

The times when it was enough to install an antivirus to protect yourself from hackers are long gone. We actually don’t hear much about viruses anymore. However, nowadays, there are many different, more internet-based threats. And unfortunately, you don’t need to be a million-dollar company to become a target of an attack. Hackers these days use automated scanners that search for vulnerable machines all over the internet. One such modern threat is a traffic analysis attack.

Understanding Cardinality in a Monitoring System and Why It's Important

The journey to becoming cloud-native comes with great benefits but also brings challenges. One of these challenges is the volume of operational data from cloud-native deployments — data comes from the cloud infrastructure, ephemeral application components, user activity, and more. The increased number of data sources does not only increase datapoint volume – it also requires that monitoring systems store and query against data with higher cardinality than ever before.

The 95th Percentile: How to Manage Capacity Before You Run Out

One of the largest challenges with network bandwidth metering is the way traffic flows. Traffic comes in bursts. It’s never a constant, predictable stream of data you can measure once, spec hardware for and be done with (wouldn’t that be nice?!). Instead, you need to account for the dynamic nature of bandwidth utilization and its impact on performance. You’ll never be able to predict every burst of traffic your network experiences.

Visualizing Your Time Series Data with the Highcharts Library and InfluxDB

If you’re building an IoT application on top of InfluxDB, you’ll probably use a graphing library to handle your visualization needs. Today we’re going to take a look at the charting library, Highcharts, to visualize our time series data with InfluxDB Cloud. However, I also encourage you to take a look at Giraffe, a React-based visualization library that powers the data visualizations in the InfluxDB 2.0 UI.

Taming Rails Logging with Lograge and LogDNA

Rails is a classic on Ruby for a reason. The framework is powerful, intuitive and the language has a low entry bar. However, being designed when systems existed on a single server, standard Rails logging is excessively fractionalized. Even on a single server, a straightforward call can quickly turn into seven unique, unconnected logs.