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Challenges with Implementing SLOs

A few months ago, Honeycomb released our SLO — Service Level Objective — feature to the world. We’ve written before about how to use it and some of the use scenarios. Today, I’d like to say a little more about how the feature has evolved, and what we did in the process of creating it. (Some of these notes are based on my talk, “Pitfalls in Measuring SLOs;” you can find the slides to that talk here, or view the video on our Honeycomb Talks page).

Elastic APM adopts W3C TraceContext

Distributed tracing remains one of the most important features of any tracing system. Nearly a year ago, we announced Elastic APM distributed tracing, let’s take a look at how this useful feature works behind the scenes. Over the past few years, many applications have adopted microservice architecture. Each of the services in a microservice architecture can have their own instrumentation to provide observability into the service.

A Practical Guide to JavaScript Debugging

Being a UI developer, I’ve learned one thing: It doesn’t matter how carefully you write your code. Suppose you’ve double-checked that you defined and called all functions the right way or followed all the best practices. Even then you’ll see that a tiny variable can sneak behind and create an error. Now, suppose you find out that for some unknown reason a form validation or submit button isn’t working.

How To Secure Home Computers That Are Connected To Corporate Networks

Coronavirus is changing everything. But amid all the talk of shut-downs, quarantine, and stock market crashes, another huge impact of the current crisis has been a little overlooked: it’s consequences for cybersecurity. With hundreds of thousands of employees now working from home – in the US, Europe, and all over the world – many companies have had to rapidly put in place systems for them to connect their home devices to corporate networks.

How to simplify SNMP implementation

The following is a guest post from Jean Tunis, the principal consultant and founder of RootPerformance. You want implementations to be simple. Who doesn’t? But often, that’s not the case. SNMP is one of the oldest used protocols to manage a network. SNMP stands for simple network management protocol, but it might not have been all that simple for you. Maybe it was simple back in the late 1980s, when SNMP became a standard protocol for network monitoring.

Are you worried about your office systems? Discover Pandora FMS remote monitoring software

COVID-19 is and will be the talk of the town due to its large-scale social, humanitarian and economic repercussions, but how can it affect a company’s systems? Many employers find themselves in the need to offer their employees remote working options, which means leaving the offices empty without actual machine supervision, which calls for a remote monitoring software to monitor their systems.

From distributed tracing to distributed profiling with Elastic APM

Distributed tracing is great — it helps you identify (micro)services within complex architectures having issues interfering with user experience, such as high latency or errors. But once a problematic service is identified, it can be difficult to find out which methods are to blame for the slowdown. Well, we have some big news to share for our Elastic APM users within the Java ecosystem.

Does Observability Throw You for a Loop? Part One: Open with Observability

The duality of observability is controllability. Observability is the ability to infer the internal state of a "machine” from externally exposed signals. Controllability is the ability to control input to direct the internal state to the desired outcome. We need both in today's cloud native world. Quite often we find that observability is presented as the desired end state. Yet, in modern computing environments, this isn’t really true.