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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

How to monitor WAN load balancers

Since load balancers are active devices that can be included in the design of a WAN, the question arises: Should we adapt our monitoring scheme to include something that could be called Load Balancer Monitoring? To answer this question we can assume that WAN monitoring is based on the following fact: the behaviour of communication links directly affects the performance of applications and therefore the entire platform.

The 5 Web Analytics Tools That Will Make Your Life Easier

When people talk about web analytics, you immediately think of Google Analytics. But there is life beyond Google Analytics. There are many web analytics tools that currently exist on the web and many that are emerging daily. Knowing how to combine these tools well is key to a good web analytics strategy that allows us to understand what happens on our website and how our users act.

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Website

There’s some research that points to the Iranian New Year as the source for spring cleaning. The idea was that the end of the colder months was an opportunity to “shake the house” (khooneh tekouni) to feel renewed. Nowruz, or new day, occurs on the first day of spring and like everyone else with a New Year resolution, the concept of cleaning and renewal was about setting a fresh start. Here we are, spring build alpha already deployed in some parts of the world.

The story behind CloudSpend and why we built it

Back in 2008 when we began our journey, cloud computing was still relatively new. Though the term had a lot of buzz around it, organizations only considered the cloud as a place to experiment, not as a viable alternative to run production workloads. Now, the cloud has become the go-to strategy for enterprises and startups alike to deliver their digital business.

Introducing Easy Tune: the new way to tune SCOM

If you’ve ever spent days explaining to teams what’s monitored on their servers and hours implementing overrides only to be told that SCOM is still too noisy, you’ll know why we created Easy Tune. SCOM is known for management packs that provide in-depth monitoring for Microsoft and other enterprise technologies, but often the management packs offer too much detail. To be successful with SCOM, you have to tune SCOM and keep it tuned.