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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Accelerate Your Career: Become an Agent of Transformation

A new global research report launched today by AppDynamics reveals the emergence of a new breed of technologist, primed to drive positive and sustainable change within their organizations over the coming years – The Agents of Transformation. Technology advancements continue to change the world in ways we’re only beginning to imagine – transforming the way we work, rest, and play.

The Challenge Facing Compliance Officers in the Financial Services Sector

Compliance is a major challenge for firms operating in highly regulated industries that rely on external networks of agents or affiliates to sell and/or promote their products. In wealth management, insurance, and lending industries, regulations stipulate that any “content” that is publicly accessible is considered to be advertising and as such, subject to strict compliance oversight.

Organize Your Monitoring With Tags and Filtering

If you’re responsible for keeping tabs on multiple domains, finding what you need when you need it is often half the battle. Want to access checks quickly and easily? Create custom tags for filtering checks in your Dashboard. You will get the info you need without having to look through unrelated information about other sites. Not sure how to organize your checks?