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What is MTTR? Critical Incident Recovery Metrics to Reduce Downtime

Whether it’s a scheduled maintenance or an unexpected outage, downtime is time your solutions are out of action and unavailable for use. Long or frequent periods of downtime have significant costs to the company, and ultimately undermine customer trust. So what is MTTR? And how can improving MTTR reduce downtime? Below are four key metrics to get you started.

Testing Exchange OAuth Access and Azure AD

Exoprise recently added support for OAuth (OAuth 2.0 to be exact) credentials to the core Exchange Online testing sensor. This capability has been requested in the past and with this new release, enables end-to-end testing of Exchange Online and the OAuth capabilities of Azure AD with Office 365 from multiple concurrent locations.

Three high level patterns in CFEngine

How do you deal with config files that need different settings based on various services that are running on a host and cooperate with other teams? It’s a common question, and it came up on in #cfengine on irc.freenode.net recently. The issue is that team A might be working on package A, which requires some environment variables set. But team B might be working on a totally different thing — and want to achieve the same thing.

CloudFormation Stack Drift Report Action

Last week, AWS announced a fantastic new feature for AWS CloudFormation, CloudFormation Drift Detection. Drift detection allows you to determine whether the AWS resources controlled by your CloudFormation stacks have drifted from their original configuration. This can happen if you manually adjust properties of your AWS resources. Today, we’re excited to announce a new action to report on your CloudFormation drifted stacks: CloudFormation Stack Drift Report.