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10 Best ECS Alternatives

Ensuring efficient deployment and management of containerized applications is critical to development teams across all possible industries in today’s cloud-native world. A standout service for many has been AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS), which has proven to be scalable and easy to use while integrated into one of the largest cloud ecosystems out there. However, one size does not fit all.

Optimize Azure spending with Turbo360's periodic notifications

Is your Azure spend management getting out of control? You’re not alone. Countless businesses struggle with the exact problem, often lacking clarity on the reasons behind the cost spike. Especially within larger organizations, where multiple teams deploy Azure resources, the Azure costs can quickly get out of control without the necessary tools to effectively track the spending and evaluate monthly Azure spend against their business needs.

iCloud Drive Review Plus Alternatives to Consider in 2024

For Apple users, the iCloud Drive app is the default option for storing files in the cloud on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac computer. iCloud Drive integrates well with the Apple product suite as many apps built for macOS and iOS use iCloud by default for syncing, and it's the only option for syncing photos in the Photos apps among the Apple product suite. While many people may opt for the convenience and integration of iCloud Drive for their Apple products, others are not so keen.

What you're currently missing from your CDN monitoring tool

Content Delivery Networks (CDN) have been an inherent part of modern software infrastructure for years. They allow for faster and more reliable web-content delivery to users regardless of their location and an additional level of protection against DDoS Attacks and server failure. But just like any infrastructure service, they still fail from time to time and have their quirks. Enter CDN monitoring tools, providing insights on the performance of your CDN and helping troubleshoot issues.

Redefining Reach: The Essential Role of SEO Marketing in Website Excellence

Understanding and optimizing for search engine algorithms is foundational to effective SEO. But despite rigorous analysis and strategic implementation, the inner workings of search engine algorithms remain a closely guarded secret, known only to Google. We get the breadcrumbs of that knowledge only. This uncertainty compels SEO professionals to continuously test, analyze, and adapt their strategies based on observed outcomes and shared insights within the SEO community.

Three Ways to Assure Network Quality

What is the quality of your network? More to the point, what is the quality of the network experience? Do your employees think that your network is slow? Merely adequate? Speedy? At the highest level, this is what network operations teams need to understand how to answer. And this needs to be answered no matter how complicated the network path is between endpoints. We’ll take a look at three things that can help you get a handle on these questions.

Heroku: the PaaS of the Past Struggles To Keep Up

If there's one thing almost every developer has done in their life, it's deploy an application to Heroku. From their launch in 2007, Heroku dominated PaaS and caught the attention of Salesforce who acquired them in 2010. They had the first managed Postgres service in 2011, an easy to use CLI, and, last but not least, it was free to get started which led to a big uptick in initial popularity. Every side project from here to the moon went to Heroku.

Exploring Enhancements in Service Mapping and Workspace Improvements

The discussion revolves around various enhancements in service mapping, workspace improvements, and app distribution. New connectors like Virima and Ivanti Neurons are being developed for service mapping, along with an outbound connector for ServiceNow. Workspace improvements include filters, remote control, and disabling end user prompts. App distribution introduces features like cloud storage explorer and access to Windows Package Manager. Additionally, role-based permissions for bot triggering and integration of surveys into the overall deck score are being implemented.

Ep. 16: The Evolution of CloudOps: Bridging DevOps to FinOps with Bernard Golden

In this episode, we sit down with the legendary Bernard Golden, a pioneer with over three decades of experience in technology and cloud computing. Bernard, having shaped the cloud strategies for giants like Capital One and VMware, shares his unparalleled insights into digital transformation, the intricacies of DevOps, and the relentless pursuit of innovation in cloud technology.