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Six Compelling Reasons to Choose SolarWinds Every Day, Every Time

Technology investments in today’s digital economy are crucial in achieving your business goals and gaining a competitive edge. As business strategies evolve and technology advances, IT environments are becoming increasingly complex and hybrid while budgets remain stagnant. Choosing the right solution to manage your technology stack is vital to deliver superior application experiences and meet your performance, availability, and operational requirements.

Frontend Debugging Is Bad and it Should Feel Bad

There’s a sentence that strikes fear into the heart of every frontend developer I've ever met: Users are reporting issues, and we don't know how to replicate them. What do you do when that happens? Do you cry? Do you mark the issue as wontfix and move on? Personally, I took the road less traveled: gave up frontend engineering and moved into product management (this is not actually accurate but it's a good joke and it feels truthy).

How an All-in-One AI Advisor Enables IT Teams to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Ever since generative AI burst into public consciousness, business executives and IT leaders have been intrigued by the potential of generative AI to transform IT. As it turns out, generative AI has already begun revolutionizing ITOps and we are excited to be at the forefront of this game-changing technology through the ScienceLogic SL1 Hollywood release.

Share code with anyone, anywhere! #GitKraken #CloudPatches

Got a WIP change that you'd love an extra set of eyes on? 👀 Instead of submitting a PR and cluttering up the commit history, throw it in a Cloud Patch with GitKraken Client. ☁️ Describe what you're working on, share the link, and bam! 💥 You can collaborate early on, setting the stage for a smoother pull request later down the line. 🔁

The five most common HTTP errors according to Google

Have you ever wondered what goes behind those annoying 'Oops, something went wrong' messages on the web? You're not alone. A simple Google search for the most common HTTP errors throws up names we've all seen at least once: Not Found, Unauthorized, Forbidden, Internal Server Error, and Bad Request. It's like a secret code that both frustrates and fascinates.

Generative AI and developer experience

From its initial appearance in the dev-tools space, GenAI has had an outsized impact on how developers approach day-to-day tasks (just ask any developer about when they first started using GitHub’s copilot). While any risks are still being evaluated—like potential for introducing anti-patterns or inadvertently running afoul of compliance requirements, many engineering teams have successfully implemented GenAI with measurable gains in collaboration and productivity.

How We Slashed Our AWS Costs by 50% (And You Can Too!)

As businesses increasingly move their workloads to the cloud, managing cloud costs has become a critical concern. At Tidal.Cloud, with the roll-out of new features such as Tidal Accelerator’s Business Analytics, we recently realized that our AWS costs were steadily increasing, and we needed to take action to optimize our cloud spending.

Migration and Modernization Insights with New Business Analytics Feature

Tidal Accelerator has recently made its powerful Business Analytics feature generally available across all existing and new workspaces, as discussed in our previous article. This game-changing capability empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions throughout their migration and modernization journeys. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into four key areas where Tidal Accelerator’s advanced analytics provide invaluable insights.