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Enable SSO and MFA by adding SIGNL4 as an enterprise app in Azure Active Directory

This article describes how SIGNL4 can be generally authorized as an enterprise app for Azure AD users (Marketplace Link). This is important if you want to implement the use of SIGNL4 in your company with existing user accounts from the Azure AD.

Five worthy reads: Cybersecurity drift: Leveraging AI and ML to safeguard your network from threats

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, sticking with October’s cybersecurity awareness theme, we’ll take an in-depth look at both the good and the bad of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in cybersecurity.

The Sapphire Ventures CIO Innovation Index Report: CIOs Forge Tighter Bonds with Startups, Especially in AI

Despite a rocky year in the global economy, global venture deal volume grew by over 9.3 percent in the third quarter of 2019, up nearly 9.9 percent from Q3 2018, according to Crunchbase. The year 2018 was a banner year for dollar volume: startups raised $130.9 billion, which surpassed the epic year of 2000, according to Pitchbook.

12 mobile device features that help ensure corporate data security

Our hearts might skip a beat every time we put our hands in our pocket and can’t find our mobile phone, and we’re filled with dread at the thought of losing the device that contains our personal photos and the corporate data saved on it. But just misplacing a device is not how we put corporate data at risk; small actions in our day-to-day lives can have a major impact on the safety of the corporate data on our devices.

Introducing the Wi-Fi Analyzer for OpManager's Android app: A perfect team for sustained IT infrastructure management

Addressing Wi-Fi issues can be challenging Tracking the availability, speed, and performance of a large number of systems, servers, VMs, routers, access points, firewalls, interfaces, and WAN links, plus monitoring their health is not a simple task. Tackling angry emails from employees about Wi-Fi running slowly, or it taking a lifetime to download a simple setup file or load a business-critical application, can hamper productivity.

How Sabre Transformed their Customer Experience By Modernizing Their Oracle RAC

Digital transformation is key for competitive enterprises that need to make Customer Experience a top priority in today's social and mobile world. To that end, Sabre, a technology leader in the hospitality industry, has made a strategic move to transform its Oracle RAC legacy environment into a self-service DBaaS using Robin.

8 Top Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Tools

By Des Nnochiri Robotic process automation, or RPA, promises to increase efficiency and improve work rates at reduced cost to the enterprise. In this article, we’ve assembled eight of the top RPA tools currently on the market. Of course, there are considerations to bear in mind before implementing this emerging technology.

More Android malware and another iOS exploit: How to safeguard your devices?

The past few months have seen both Android and iOS fall prey to various security attacks, with more malware attacks and exploits being uncovered on a daily basis. First, let’s look at the newest zero-day Android vulnerability. This vulnerability leverages the ”use-after-free” memory flaw to wreak havoc on mobile devices. In layperson terms, the use-after-free flaw allows access to memory recently freed (after performing some operation) to execute malicious code.

Android malware: How do enterprises tackle this ever-growing menace?

Let us first agree on a couple of things before we start: One, Android is the most affordable platform for enterprises with a mobile-first/mobile-only workforce, and it has the smallest learning curve of any mobile OS. Two, due to its very open-source nature, Android is easy for malicious actors to pray on, with the Google Play Store being the breeding ground for many attacks.