Mattermost v7.8 Extended Support Release is generally available today. With this latest release, we’ve added improved filters and groups for Boards. More options for viewing your boards means more ways to break down the data to understand your team’s workload, report on progress, and quickly see what is in flight for a given sprint.
Around the world, thousands of DevSecOps teams are shipping software faster and more reliably by integrating Mattermost with their self-hosted GitLab deployments. When combined, these platforms connect developer toolchains with real-time communications, audio calling, screen sharing and collaborative workflows.
The demand for search functionality is growing, and many developers are trying to incorporate it into their applications. However, building one from scratch is challenging and time-consuming. Fortunately, many open-source libraries are available to relieve developers of this burden. This guide will provide the reader with a list of some of the best search packages for JavaScript.
Testing is a vital aspect of security. Unfortunately, there are vulnerabilities that bypass the testing stage and introduce flaws in the production environment. Kubernetes vulnerabilities make more impact when exploited on running applications and production environments. These vulnerabilities can allow hackers to exploit the host machine if the container has escalated privileges.