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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Visualizing your CloudFormation Template with Stackery

Stackery can be used to create a new CloudFormation template or to quickly visualize an existing one. Code is automatically generated as you simply drag-and-drop resources on a graphical grid. The experience is much more intuitive than previous generation tools like AWS CloudFormation Designer. Stackery visualizes resources the way a human would perceive them, grouping related resources together.

AWS Reserved Instances 101: The Complete Guide

Choosing the right service plan is crucial when you are using Amazon Web Services (AWS). With 170 distinct services, ranging from compute to storage to networking and content delivery — each offered at different price points — the process requires careful consideration to make the right choice for your business. By default, AWS services are available on-demand and you pay a monthly bill for services used.

Visualizing CloudFormation templates

As your infrastructure grows, getting a handle on all your AWS resources can be overwhelming. While that’s probably an understatement, help could be right around the corner. We’ll cover a few CloudFormation visualizer tools that can help, but let’s level set first. AWS CloudFormation is an established Infrastructure-as-Code solution that allows you to define, provision, organize, manage and update your AWS resources from a text-file template.

The great serverless cost debate (Serverless = Costless)

If you’re worried that switching to serverless infrastructure is too expensive for your business, you’re not alone. Total spending on cloud services will top $284 billion by 2024. The good news is there are many ways to track and lower your serverless operation costs without slowing down your business. Lambda and how can it help your business? Find out more by reading these Lambda frequently asked questions.

HAProxy Forwards Over 2 Million HTTP Requests per Second on a Single Arm-based AWS Graviton2 Instance

For the first time, a software load balancer exceeds 2-million RPS on a single Arm instance. A few weeks ago, while I was working on an HAProxy issue related to thread locking contention, I found myself running some tests on a server with an 8-core, 16-thread Intel Xeon W2145 processor that we have in our lab. Although my intention wasn’t to benchmark the proxy, I observed HAProxy reach 1.03 million HTTP requests per second.

Extend AWS Observability Beyond CloudWatch

It’s essential to choose the right tool for the job. I have an old, sturdy screwdriver that I use for lots of odd DIY jobs around my house, like cleaning gutters, opening paint cans, and general maintenance on my lawnmower. However, when I’m performing an upgrade on my computer, a large, rusty screwdriver isn’t the best tool to remove the screws anchoring my motherboard.

How Long Does It Take To Get Started With CloudZero?

There’s no question that engineering teams at innovative tech companies are busy. No matter how successful your company is, there’s always a long backlog of feature enhancements that can make it challenging to focus on other priorities. So, it’s no surprise that one of the most common questions we get from companies that engage with us is “How much of an effort will this be for my engineering team?” The short answer is that you can get value within minutes.

Why Monitoring Your SaaSs Could Lead to Better Sleep

SaaS or Software-as-a-Service make up a growing amount of business-critical functionality. Gone are the days of hosting every single application necessary to run a successful business. Everything from email hosting, financial systems, and human resources functions are all now done on SaaS-hosted platforms. The knowledge that all of this is out of your hands is both freeing and frustrating.

Monitor your SQL Server databases in the cloud and on-premises with one monitoring tool

There’s no doubt the cloud is having a big impact on the nature and make-up of SQL Server estates. The 2021 State of Database DevOps report from Redgate, for example, showed that 58% of organizations now use the cloud either wholly or in combination with on-premises servers, compared to 46% in the same report a year earlier.