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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Developer's Guide to Cognito with Stackery

Cognito is AWS’s cloud solution for authentication – if you’re building an app that handles users with passwords, you can use AWS to handle the tricky high-risk security issues related to storing login credentials. No need to go it alone! Pricing is based on your number of monthly active users, and the first 50k users are free. For apps I’ve worked on, we would have been very pleased to grow out of that free tier.

5 Predictions For Serverless In 2019

Continuing the trend from last year, in 2019 we see more organizations riding the wave of Serverless and Kubernetes, and many are starting to see tangible results. The widespread adoption of these technologies, however, has only just begun. Below, we examine five trends in serverless that are sure to impact the way organizations develop and deliver software for years to come.

The Future of Serverless is ... Functionless?

I’m in a position where I converse with our customers and cloud service providers, and I keep track of conversations happening through blogs and social media. I then sift through all this data to identify patterns and trends. Lately, I’ve seen some talk about an architectural pattern that I believe will become prevalent in the near future.

How to Monitor Amazon EBS with CloudWatch

Amazon EBS allows you to provision storage volumes for your EC2 instances without having to actually manage physical hardware. However, since it’s a managed service, you have less visibility with traditional monitoring tools. As such, it becomes even more important to take advantage of the available monitoring tools in AWS. In this post, we’ll explain how to use CloudWatch to monitor EBS and what is important to watch.

Rollbar to Offer Its Error-Monitoring Solution on Google Cloud Platform Marketplace

SAN FRANCISCO - April 9, 2019 -- Rollbar, provider of real-time error monitoring Software as a Service, announced today its partnership with Google Cloud and its availability on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace. Rollbar provides automatic error detection and analysis centered around its customizable grouping engine.