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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

How to Monitor Amazon Elastic Load Balancing with CloudWatch

Amazon Elastic Load Balancing ( ELB ) allows you to create load balancers for your application without having to actually manage the servers that do the load balancing. However, since it’s a managed service, you have less visibility with traditional monitoring tools. As such, it becomes even more important to take advantage of the available monitoring tools in AWS. In this post, we’ll explain how to use CloudWatch to monitor Elastic Load Balancing and what is important to watch.

What is Azure Automation?

As Microsoft Azure continues to be developed and more automation options become available; Azure Automation, Logic Apps, ARM (Azure Resource Manager) and Azure Function Apps to name a few, the question is quickly turning from ‘how do I automate with Azure?’ to ‘what automation type do I use in Azure?’. Across our next few blogs we will seek to delve into the options available and look to define how they stack up against Azure Automation.

How to test serverless applications

Like any other creation in progress or in the making, serverless applications, need to be tested and monitored. How else would you know if what you’ve created is providing desired results? Before putting your “newborn child” out into the world, you must make sure that it’s ready for the world. Software or even hardware of any sort will first be tested before it goes to mass production, and the same goes for your serverless applications.

451 Research: OpsRamp Enables Modern Hybrid Cloud Management by Innovating at the Speed of SaaS

451 Research analyst, William Fellows, recently authored a Market Impact report titled, OpsRamp is breaking new ground for IT operations management. The report analyzes our latest platform features and innovations for hybrid cloud management use cases.

Rethink Analytics: Don't be fooled by cloud washing

The choices facing today's enterprise executives are far more complex than whether to adopt cloud or not - that is mostly decided. The question is how to do it well. In particular, are the tools they are using to monitor performance and security truly built to run and scale in their cloud environment. Many vendors are "cloud washing" customers by simply adding the word "cloud" to their service offerings without truly being able to deliver on their promises.

Simplifying Cloud Management With OpsRamp: Part 2

This is the second of a three-part series on how OpsRamp helps enterprise IT operations teams manage the challenges of migrating to the cloud. Read part one here. IT teams can build the migration blueprint and test different migration activities in the staging environment using the data collected and processes established during the pre-migration phase. The migration blueprint and related testing help identify gaps, requirements, and barriers to designing a successful migration.

The Lazy Programmer's Guide to Web Scrapers

I am a proud lazy programmer. This means that if I can automate a task, I will absolutely do it. Especially if it means I can avoid doing the same thing more than once. Luckily, as an engineer, my laziness is an asset - because this week, it led me to write an HTML scraper for our Changelog, just so I wouldn’t have to manually update the Changelog feed on our new app homepage (btw, have you seen our new app homepage? It’s pretty sweet).

Collect, Monitor, and Process AWS Logs and Metrics at Scale with Cognitive Insights

Famed management thinker Peter Drucker is often quoted as saying, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Tracking and analyzing data of a system provides metrics to measure, predict, and improve the underlining health of the system. Logging data is the simplest act of collecting data for measurement and plays an important role in modern enterprises, as it provides a way to measure the health of hardware devices and software applications alike.