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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

5 Benefits to Run Elastic Stack in the Cloud

Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana — the trio better known as Elastic Stack (or ELK, if you prefer a term that is now going out of style), make up a powerful set of tools for searching and analyzing data. Their power derives not just from their technical features, but also the fact that Elastic Stack is an open source platform that anyone can download and set up anywhere.

How to handle AWS Lambda cold starts

Smarter people than myself, once said that you should do things you don’t like first so that you can enjoy the things you’re doing later. Nobody wants cold starts. They’re annoying, and we continuously feel an itching sensation in our brains because of them. The serverless world would be a much better place to work in if they weren’t there.

Injection Attacks: Protecting Your Serverless Functions

While trying to verify the claims made on a somewhat facile rundown of serverless security threats, I ran across Jeremy Daly’s excellent writeup of a single vulnerability type in serverless, itself inspired by a fantastic talk from Ory Segal on vulnerabilities in serverless apps. At first I wanted to describe how injection attacks can happen. But the fact is, the two resources I just shared serve as amazing documentation; Ory found examples of these vulnerabilities in active GitHub repos!

Monitoring Azure Activity Logs with Logz.io

In a previous post, we introduced a new integration with Microsoft Azure that makes it easy to ship Azure logs and metrics into Logz.io using a ready-made deployment template. Once in Logz.io, this data can be analyzed using the advanced analytics tools Logz.io has to offer — you can query the data, create visualizations and dashboards, and create alerts to get notified when something out of the ordinary occurs.

4 Tips To Monitor Modern Cloud-based Applications & Infrastructure

Modern cloud-based application and infrastructure monitoring is a moving target. And it is one that very much depends on how “native” your cloud application is. Here is a list of monitoring metrics capabilities you should look for that pertain to time series and events.

Cloud-Side Development For All with Stackery's Free Tier

Today, I’m thrilled to announce our new free tier and pricing model for teams adopting modern serverless application development. I believe cloud-side development is the future and I want everyone to experience it at their own pace. We also now offer a model that can scale with either teams or workflows depending on how aggressively you decide to adopt cloud-side development.