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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Dashbird becomes AWS Advanced Technology Partner

It’s the celebration time of the year! Dashbird is now an official Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced Technology Partner (APN). Our team has demonstrated that we can build a strong, secure and reliable AWS-based business that can benefit Amazon Web Services users. The new partner status is recognition of Dashbird ability to help companies to better monitor and troubleshoot their Lambdas by providing state of the art solution for serverless observability.

Rapidly Build Serverless Architecture with Stackery

Add speed and scalability to your serverless infrastructure with the Stackery Operations Console. This product brief covers everything you need to accelerate your serverless development time and shorten your release cycles. Learn how to get complete visibility into your serverless applications through Stackery's GUI or command line interface.

Cost Tracking For Serverless Architectures

Today we’ll talk more about the cost tracking for serverless architecture. Following the cost of serverless architecture utilization it might give you insights on how and what should you change or adapt to, to be able to reduce the cost. After all, we’re all always trying to improve our performances in every field while keeping the costs to a minimum (if possible).

Automate Resource Adjustments for Amazon EC2 with Opsgenie Actions, A Use Case

Opsgenie Actions enable you to automate manual, repetitive tasks so that your resources are freed up to concentrate on higher-value work. This blog post is the second in a series of use cases in which we discuss how Opsgenie works with various third-party automation platforms to automate these traditionally manual tasks—right from the Opsgenie console or mobile app— to reduce interruptions for your on-call responders, and ultimately help your bottom line.

How to Monitor Azure VM Scale Sets

With Azure Virtual Machine (VM) Scale Sets you can automatically scale the number of VMs running an application based on the compute resources required. VM Scale Sets make it easier to deploy and manage a large number of Virtual Machines consistently and allow you to use and pay for the minimum resources needed at any given time, but they also introduce a few monitoring challenges.

Containerizing Legacy Windows Applications

There should be no doubt anymore that containers are revolutionizing the world of application development and leading the charge for purpose-built cross-cloud and hybrid-cloud topologies. There are other virtualization platforms that solved problems in server consolidation and data center optimization, but in the new world of cloud and mobility, proprietary monolithic middleware may have had its day.

The Need for Security-Specific Applications

When we talk about cloud providers, we often forget that not all data is the same — even in the same application, while we might think of this data as from a “financial application” or a “computation process”, the reality is that each data set has subsets upon subsets, and thus require specific applications to manage them.