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Pushing a project to GitHub

GitHub is a web-based platform used for project version control and codebase hosting. GitHub uses Git, a widely-used version control system. GitLab and Bitbucket are similar tools. Using GitHub is a prerequisite of most tutorials on the CircleCI blog, so it is helpful to learn to use it. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to push a project to GitHub.

Announcing GitLab support on CircleCI

Today we are pleased to announce GitLab support on CircleCI. Teams using GitLab SaaS can now build, test, and deploy on CircleCI, and access CircleCI’s most popular features like Docker layer caching and automatic test-splitting. GitLab is now the third version control system we support, in addition to GitHub and Bitbucket.

How to use GitHub Actions securely

GitHub is one of the most popular source control platforms available. It relies on Git concepts, and millions of developers use it. GitHub Actions embrace all aspects of what source control needs, such as branching, pull requests, feature flags, and versioning. It also integrates nicely into third-party continuous integration and continuous development (CI/CD) pipelines or deployment tools like Azure DevOps, Jenkins, GitLab, and Octopus Deploy.

elmah.io launches two GitHub Actions in the GitHub Marketplace

While developing the ecosystem around the elmah.io API and App Store, we see an increasing interest and adoption of GitHub and the services around it. We have a range of integrations with GitHub that I’ll introduce you to later in this document. But first of all, I’m happy to announce that elmah.io has been chosen as a GitHub Technology Partner to build integrations in the Marketplace and extend developer capabilities. elmah.io integrates with GitHub in two ways.

Default Pull Request Tasks

There are multiple ways to create a task on a pull request. They can be added from the sidebar, top-level pull request comments, file-level comment or inline comments. Once created, they all appear in the sidebar. On any repository, merge checks can be configured for any branch to only allow merging if all pull request tasks are resolved. This is a very useful functionality if some tasks are critical to be resolved before changes are merged.

Announcing the New GitKraken Help Center

We’re very excited to launch the new GitKraken Help Center to better serve ALL of our customers across our suite of Git tools, and to showcase our commitment to not only building great tools, but enabling our customers with all the onboarding, training and support resources they need to be successful in the way they work.

Interview with Oh My Posh Creator

In simple terms, Oh My Posh can customize your terminal and make it more visually pleasing. According to the official Oh My Posh documentation, “Oh My Posh is a custom prompt engine for any shell that has the ability to adjust the prompt string with a function or variable”. With 275k GitHub Downloads, 1.2k forks, and 6.8k stars on the Oh My Posh GitHub Repo, developers from around the world use Oh My Posh to boost their terminals and improve their workflows.

Trunk Based Development

When you have a lot of software developers working on the same project, keeping track of individual changes and previous versions is crucial, especially when it helps prevent conflicts that slow the development and deployment process. For most development teams across the world, Git is the system of choice for organizing files and versions of software.

Jira Git Tips Using Git Integration for Jira

You can integrate Git with Jira using Git Integration for Jira. Git Integration for Jira is an app that allows users to drive Jira with Git. This Jira Git integration tool allows you to spend less time context switching between Jira and Git and more time writing and delivering awesome code. Many development teams use Git and Jira in their regular development process to contribute to and track the progress of a project.