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GitKraken Client v8.4 Release: Team Workspaces + Pull Request View

Pull requests are now available in GitKraken Workspaces, providing users a centralized way to find, view, and modify pull requests across multiple repositories in one place. GitKraken Workspaces can now be shared with your team, so everyone working on the same project can easily access the repos and pull requests they need. Sharing a Workspace is also a convenient way to onboard new team members who may need to clone many repos at once.

Command Line Tools | Intro to the CLI Part 3

Click below to read other articles from our CLI intro series: At the beginning of this series, we looked at the benefits of using the CLI shell on your machine. One of those benefits is the wide range of developer tools available that only have a CLI. In this part of the CLI intro series, we’re going to focus on.

Azure Spring Clean Stop Committing Your Secrets - by Dwayne McDaniel GitKraken

No one wants their keys and secrets on GitHub, but one bad push can mean you are suddenly exposed. Git and open source provide a way to automatically check for secrets on every commit! Dwayne McDaniel is the Developer Evangelist for GitKraken. This talk was released as part of Azure Spring Clean 2022 conference. Learn more about GitKraken's legendary tools for Git, including GitKraken Client, GitLens for VS Code, and Git Integration for Jira.

Git Integration for Jira Cloud Release: Atlassian Data Residency & New User Interface

Git Integration for Jira Cloud has seen some major updates in the last quarter, including new data residency support for the EU and US regions and a BRAND NEW interface for Jira administrators: giving you more control over managing your integrations and repositories directly from Jira. Let’s dive into the new features and improvements for Git Integration for Jira Cloud.

Parameterizing GitLab CI/CD?

While doing packaging for Icinga, I noticed we have a lot of YAML files describing GitLab pipelines doing very similar jobs. The same build job across different operating systems. That’s wasteful behaviour, which leads to a bigger workload when it comes to modifying these jobs. Tasks like adding new versions and especially adding new operating systems become tedious. What I’m looking for is a way to have interchangeable values for our building jobs.

GitKraken Client Tutorial: How to Use the Git GUI & CLI

GitKraken Client is the most popular Git client in the world and the only one that comes equipped with both a graphical user interface (GUI) and command line interface (CLI). In this tutorial video you’ll learn how to easily and safely leverage the full power of Git. Use chapters to quickly skip ahead.

Managed self-hosted Git service Gitea with the new integration for Grafana Cloud

Today I’m back with another integration available for Grafana Cloud, our observability platform that gathers all your metrics, logs, and traces under a single roof with Grafana. I’m going to highlight how you can use Grafana with Gitea, an open source forge software package for hosting software development version control. It uses Git as well as other collaborative features like bug tracking, wikis, and code review. It is a great choice for those who manage Git repositories.

Automate Deployments to Amazon EKS with Skaffold and GitHub Actions

Creating a DevOps workflow to optimize application deployments to your Kubernetes cluster can be a complex journey. I recently demonstrated how to optimize your local K8s development workflow with Rancher Desktop and Skaffold. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it by viewing the video below. You might be wondering, “What happens next?” How do you extend this solution beyond a local setup to a real-world pipeline with a remote cluster?