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Don't Fear the Automation

Automation is often portrayed as a scary thing. Whether it’s artificially intelligent robots conquering the planet or a world where no one can find work because automatons have taken everyone’s jobs, movies and entertainment often paint automation with a horror brush. But IT pros know this isn’t the reality. They know automation is a tool capable of making their lives easier and helping their organizations run smoothly. Still, many IT pros fear automation for legitimate reasons.

6 Tips on How to Run Your CAB Like A Boss

The change advisory board (CAB) can be one of the most important and useful meetings a service-oriented IT organization holds. It sets out a view of what’s happening to key services over the next week (or longer depending on its frequency and timeframe), confirms the impact to the business, reviews previous change activity, and looks at continual service improvement (CSI).

Consulting Business Models (3 Potential Paths)

Consulting business models can make or break the success of firms. Before you decide on a business model for your consulting firm, consider the following questions: The right professional services business model will support scalability and profitability. If you're actively considering business consulting models and find yourself at a crossroads, this is the perfect article for you to read. A consulting firm's business model can determine the trajectory of the organization.

What Are the Best Practices for Inventory Auditing?

Usually, audits are a long procedure. It might take days or months to complete the audit process. However, still, there is no surety that the audit is done with full efficiency because some assets have gone to some other locations. But audit is performed to get deep analytics of finance-related information. Not just that it also provides several other crucial information as well related to assets & inventories. An audit is helpful in maintaining & following compliance as per the rules and regulations.

9 Types of Phishing and Ransomware Attacks-And How to Identify Them

Cyberattacks have become more pervasive globally, evolving quickly in sophistication and scale, and are now more lucrative than ever for cybercriminals. Not only has The Everywhere Workplace extended the cyber risk and threat landscape—especially for data privacy and its protection—but a lot of Agile software developers, many of whom lack any DevSecOps process, are publishing untested or poorly tested software that can be exploited as zero-days by criminal gangs.

How business optimization efforts stack up

Like many business leaders, you may be wondering if you’re getting the most out of your technology investments and if there are things you can do to gain efficiency. Many organizations have taken steps toward optimization to reap the rewards of: In fact, 35% of organizations have made significant or very significant progress toward optimizing risk management and cybersecurity, according to a global survey of 900 senior business leaders by ServiceNow and ThoughtLab.