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The latest News and Information on IT Service Management, Service Desk and related technologies.

Feel the Love: Increased Focus on Proven and Treasured Ivanti Solutions

On January 30, Ivanti announced its new product and solution focus areas, programs, and strategies—all in all in an effort to ensure customer success. Read the official press release here. As part of this re-affirmed commitment to customers, Ivanti formed an Independent Business Unit that consists of a dedicated set of Ivanti products and services with the single purpose of pleasing its customers through providing long term value.

STUDY: Nearly Half of IT Professionals Are Still Tracking IT Assets in Spreadsheets

A report just came out from Ivanti which revealed that 43% of IT professionals are still tracking IT assets in spreadsheets. It also illuminated the fact that nearly one third of IT professionals are spending several hours per week supporting out-of-warranty assets. Let's take a closer look at some of the survey's findings, which were also mentioned in this blog.

How automation brings your business ambitions to life

Technology is helping enterprises simplify process and supercharge the everyday. A good employee experience (EX) is built on efficient ways of working, freeing employees from repetitive tasks to create a more rewarding workday – one that is spent on interesting, high-value projects. But for business leaders looking to deliver the experiences that employees now demand, where should they start? The short answer: good EX thrives on well-designed automation.

Tool sprawl is slowing down your finance team

Many promising sprinters face a mental roadblock as they develop. Physical training and repetition propel them faster and faster, yet despite pushing their body harder each month, most still plateau. It often takes a wise coach to switch a sprinter’s mindset from simply moving quickly to moving their body with purpose, using better technique, and taking longer strides. Finance teams face a similar predicament with their monthly financial close process.

How ServiceNow leaders see the future of work

2019 was an exciting year for ServiceNow—not just in terms of business results, but in how we led a series of important conversations about the future of technology and work. On our Workflow site, thought leaders across the company weighed in on a range of timely issues, from a new manifesto for IT to a new sense of purpose for employees. Here’s some of the best thinking on Workflow from 2019.

Introduction to the Integration Module for Cherwell

The Kelverion Integration Module for Cherwell provides a powerful integration capability for writing Azure Automation runbooks as well as being usable in PowerShell scripts. The Integration Module supports Cherwell Service Management 9.6.3 or 9.7 Using Kelverion smart discovery the Integration Module interrogates Cherwell and discovers how it has been configured providing a forms based view of the tables, fields, properties and allowed inputs for mandatory and optional fields.

5 Key Benefits an IT Asset Management System Should Provide

Asset management is not just about collecting inventory, it’s about how we document, track, and control every IT asset. Below are five key benefits that every IT asset management system should provide. IT asset management dashboards provide complete visibility into every system within an organization. The knowledge that is provided from IT asset reports can be used to make informed decisions about IT strategy and IT asset acquisitions.

What is Service Desk?

An IT service desk is an integral part of an organization’s IT operations. It’s relevant for entities of all sizes, and plays a key role in making sure that IT services meet key business objectives. In an organization, a service desk also acts as a catalyst for digital transformation, which is a major trend affecting almost every industry. In a recent report from Forturum, 41.4% of their respondents (companies) had a dedicated digital transformation team.

We Are Committed and Workspace Control 10.4 Is Just the Start

As part of the re-affirmed commitment to customers as announced on January 30, Ivanti launched an Independent Business Unit (IBU) consisting of proven solutions with a large customer following (dare I say: fans?) that deserve some TLC. The dedicated team hit the ground running by launching a long-anticipated product release of Ivanti Workspace Control just days after the announcement of the Independent Business Unit. You can sure say we take our commitment to heart, and so we should!