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Understanding AI search algorithms

Artificial intelligence tools are everywhere, and it’s no mystery why. They can carry out a huge variety of tasks and find the solutions to many everyday problems. But these apps are only as good as their AI search algorithm. In simple terms, an AI search algorithm is the decision-making formula an AI tool uses to find the optimal solution to your specific problem. Search algorithms may make trade-offs between speed, relevance, or another weighted factor.

5 AI search trends impacting developers in 2024

After an incredibly fast-moving 2023, what does the future hold for AI and search? Conversational generative AI leapt into the public consciousness over the past year, and organizations scrambled to define their strategy for capitalizing on the trend. AI-boosted relevance is reshaping the way users experience search — and elevating their expectations for the quality of the interaction.

Elastic APM for iOS and Android Native apps

Elastic APM for native apps provides auto-instrumentation of outgoing HTTP requests and view-loads, captures custom events, errors, and crashes, and includes pre-built dashboards for data analysis and troubleshooting purposes Elastic® APM for iOS and Android native apps is generally available in the stack release v8.12. The Elastic iOS and Android APM agents are open-source and have been developed on-top, i.e., as a distribution of the OpenTelemetry Swift and Android SDK/API, respectively.

Universal Profiling: Detecting CO2 and energy efficiency

A while ago, we posted a blog that detailed how we imported over 4 billion chess games with speed using Python and optimized the code leveraging our Universal ProfilingTM. This was based on Elastic Stack running on version 8.9. We are now on 8.12, and it is time to do a second part that shows how easy it is to observe compiled languages and how Elastic®’s Universal Profiling can help you determine the benefit of a rewrite, both from a cost and environmental friendliness angle.

Elastic Observability monitors metrics for Microsoft Azure in just minutes

Developers and SREs choose Microsoft Azure to run their applications because it is a trustworthy world-class cloud platform. It has also proven itself over the years as an extremely powerful and reliable infrastructure for hosting business-critical applications. Elastic Observability offers over 25 out-of-the-box integrations for Microsoft Azure services with more on the way. A full list of Azure integrations can be found in our online documentation.

Why Splunk customers face a choice for observability and modernization

Elastic Observability is fast, simple, and built for the future Businesses everywhere are facing a challenging environment: increased cost pressures coupled with high volumes of data generated by complex, distributed, cloud-native environments. As a result, teams need smarter analytics, access, and retention across all their data — instantly and from anywhere — to resolve issues, make decisions, and ensure resiliency.

Elastic recognized with 2024 EMA Allstars award for its AI-assisted observability

We are thrilled to be recognized with the 2024 EMA Allstars award. This award acknowledges Elastic’s focus on delivering a full-stack observability solution that provides unified visibility and AI-powered insights into complex hybrid cloud deployments. The EMA Allstars award celebrates trailblazers and innovators who are reshaping the enterprise technology landscape.

EMA explores Elastic AI Assistant for Security

Spoiler alert: it’s great! Elastic Security has been making waves among busy security analysts everywhere with the launch of Elastic AI Assistant. Whether it’s synthesizing alert details and suggesting next steps, or the recent addition from Elastic 8.11 to generate ES|QL queries from natural language, there’s a lot to love about Elastic AI Assistant for security efforts.

Elastic Search 8.12: Making Lucene fast and developers faster

Elastic Search 8.12 contains new innovations for developers to intuitively utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning models to elevate search experiences with lightning fast performance and enhanced relevance. This version of Elastic® is built on Apache Lucene 9.9, the fastest Lucene release ever, and updates some of our most popular integrations such as Amazon S3, MongoDB, MySQL, and more.

Elastic Observability 8.12: GA for AI Assistant, SLO, and Mobile APM support

Elastic® Observability 8.12 announces general availability (GA) for the AI Assistant, Service Level Objectives (SLO), and Mobile APM support: Elastic Observability 8.12 is available now on Elastic Cloud — the only hosted Elasticsearch® offering to include all of the new features in this latest release. You can also download the Elastic Stack and our cloud orchestration products, Elastic Cloud Enterprise and Elastic Cloud for Kubernetes, for a self-managed experience.