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How to integrate performance testing and continuous profiling for deeper application insights

A key goal of performance testing is to ensure your applications perform well under various levels of load. While critical, these tests are often conducted with minimal insight into why a system performs a certain way during testing. Metrics, logs, and traces may tell part of the story, but can miss the deeper details. This is where continuous profiling comes in.

How Profiling helped fix slowness in Sentry's AI Autofix

There’s a common misunderstanding that profiling is only useful for tiny savings that impact infra costs at scale - the so-called “milliseconds matter” approach. But by dogfooding our own profiling tools, we fixed a problem that saved tens of seconds off each user interaction with our AI agent (and for those of you who like math, that’s four orders of magnitude bigger than those milliseconds that matter).

Optimize Ruby garbage collection activity with Datadog's allocations profiler

One Ruby feature that embodies the principle of “optimizing for programmer happiness” is how the language uses garbage collection (GC) to automatically manage application memory. But as Ruby apps grow, GC itself can become a big consumer of system resources, and this can lead to high CPU usage and performance issues such as increased latency or reduced throughput.

Why care about exception profiling in PHP?

A few months ago, we implemented support for exception profiling in PHP. One of the key justifications for building this functionality into Continuous Profiler was to show the hidden costs of exceptions in PHP, especially when they are used for flow control in hot code paths. Once this feature was built, we naturally wanted to know if it surfaced these kinds of flow control problems in customer production systems.

The new, queryless UI for Grafana Pyroscope: Introducing Explore Profiles

We are excited to share a significant update for Grafana Pyroscope users and the broader open source community: the launch of Explore Profiles, a new application that makes it easier and faster to surface meaningful insights from your profiling data. Explore Profiles is a Grafana app plugin designed to integrate seamlessly with Grafana Pyroscope, the open source continuous profiling backend, providing a smooth, queryless experience to browse and analyze your profiling data.

Diagnose runtime and code inefficiencies in production by using Continuous Profiler's timeline view

When you face issues like reduced throughput or latency spikes in your production applications, determining the cause isn’t always straightforward. These kinds of performance problems might not arise for simple reasons such as under-provisioned resources; often, the root of the problem lies deep within an application’s runtime execution.

Focus on code that matters with source code previews in Continuous Profiler

The use of code profiling to troubleshoot application performance can appear daunting to the uninitiated, and many software engineers even assume that this domain is reserved for niche specialists. But here at Datadog, one of the key goals for our Continuous Profiler product has been to take this seemingly intimidating practice of code profiling and make it more accessible to engineers at all levels.

Streamlining runtime diagnostics with on-demand profiling: Inside Roblox's observability stack

Each day, more than 70 million active users sign into Roblox to create, play, and interact with each other through virtual experiences. And regardless of what those experiences are, exactly — adopting a pet, completing an obstacle course, or fulfilling orders at a virtual pizza parlor — the Roblox observability team is dedicated to making them seamless.