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September Product Updates for Sentry

It’s official, summer is over. So grab yourself a pumpkin-spiced food item of choice and check out what the Sentry team has been up to this past month. From introducing new features, product improvements, and integrations, we can objectively say we made Sentry at least a smidge better this month. Keep reading to see how the latest developments can make your debugging experience less painful.

Internal Developer Platform vs Internal Developer Portal: Solving for a Central System of Record, and Action

What support do developers need at large enterprises to be productive? We often fall into the trap of evaluating coders on output, maybe even innate talent. We think that the best way to build secure and efficient software is to hire 10X developers, and get out of their way. But even if the individuals have massive intellectual firepower, operational work grows like entropy in the system.

Full Stack Observability Guide - Examples and Technologies

As modern software systems become increasingly distributed, interconnected, and complex, ensuring production reliability and performance is becoming harder and more stressful. Seemingly nondescript changes to our infrastructure or application can have massive impacts on system uptime, health, and performance, all while the cost of production incidents continues to grow.

Warning: 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Pay a "Setup Fee" When Buying a Website Uptime Monitoring Solution

As you may have already discovered (or will soon encounter), many vendors that offer uptime monitoring solutions charge a setup fee. But instead of seeing this as a legitimate cost, you should view it as stop sign. There are three reasons why.

Why Do Monitoring Service Thresholds Overlap?

Although the title of this blog poses the question “Why do Monitoring Service Thresholds Overlap?”, really the question should be: “In Remote Monitoring and Management Solutions, Why Do Some Monitoring Service Thresholds Overlap?”. That’s a bit of a mouthful, but it’s what I’m going to look at in this blog. Here’s why overlapping thresholds in remote monitoring matter.

Build Your Own Network with Linux and Wireguard

Last Christmas, I bought my wife “Explain the cloud like I am 10” after she told me many times that it was hard for her to relate to what I am doing in my daily work at Qovery. While so far, I have been the sole reader to enjoy the book, I was wondering during my lecture if there were any resources to explain how to build all that. Most topics are software oriented.. So, in this article, I am going to explain how to build your own cloud network 🎊

How to detect and prevent memory leaks in Kubernetes applications

In our last blog, we talked about the importance of setting memory requests when deploying applications to Kubernetes. We explained how memory requests lets you specify how much memory (RAM for short) Kubernetes should reserve for a pod before deploying it. However, this only helps your pod get deployed. What happens when your pod is running and gradually consumes more RAM over time?