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The benefits and challenges of a single pane of glass

SCOM 2019 is a monitoring powerhouse. Its capabilities are unmatched. But it also has some serious issues when it comes to unearthing and visualizing the valuable data locked inside. The replacement of Silverlight with HTML5 in the SCOM 2019 web console was a welcome enhancement, but the SCOM web console still shares its design with the administration console, which is slow, complex, and makes it downright difficult to get the visibility you need.

Deploy a Jekyll site to AWS S3 using GitHub Actions

In this tutorial, I will show you how to build and deploy a Jekyll static site to AWS S3 + Cloudfront using GitHub Actions. At PagerTree we use GitHub Actions to automate the building and deploying of our marketing site pagertree.com. These days, if you have to do anything manually more than a couple of times, you should probably be automating it. GitHub Actions make it easy to automate software workflows.

Five Use Cases for AI/ML in Healthcare (Blog series - Part 1 of 3)

Technology has accelerated changes toward information-based healthcare delivery and management. Today’s multi-disciplinary approach to delivering better healthcare outcomes coupled with advanced imaging and genetic-based customized treatment models depend on AI/ML driven information systems. At Robin.io, we believe machine learning is the life-saving technology that will transform healthcare. AI/ML challenges the traditional, reactive approach to healthcare.

Outdated Calculus of Cloud Cost Containment

“Cost” would seem to underpin almost every decision IT teams make. Sure, business requirements drive overall operations budgets, but it’s always in tension with decades-old certainties about cost. It’s long been the unyielding constant of IT equations. In particular, IT pros migrating application infrastructures out of the data center have discovered the on-premises math of cost containment no longer works.

JFrog Artifactory Terraform Provider Gains Xray Functionality

A few months ago, I was asked if I wanted to develop an open-source Terraform provider. Eleanor Saitta, principal at Systems Structure Ltd, had a client who was setting up JFrog Xray across their Github repositories but didn’t want to configure each repository by hand. As an SRE who enjoys working on projects that automate away those sorts of pain points (and someone who works extensively with Terraform during their day job), this sounded like an interesting project to work on.

The Global Pandemic Has Led to Unprecedented QR Code Security Challenges

Over the past year, we have witnessed remarkable changes brought on by our response to a global pandemic. Along with accelerated digital transformation and the consumerization of technology, Covid-19 has birthed the everywhere workplace, where users work with any device, to connect to business-critical systems and applications. Work has become something you do rather than a place you go.

What's New: Developer Platform Capabilities and Updates to Analytics, Integrations, Mobile, and More!

We’re excited to announce a new set of updates and enhancements to the PagerDuty platform! These updates are designed to empower DevOps, development, and customer service teams—as well as executives and stakeholders across the organization—and equip them with the tools they need to address business-critical work and get ahead of incidents.

Serverless 101: What Is It, How Serverless Computing Works, Pros and Cons, and More

Serverless computing is one of the fastest-growing areas in software development, along with hybrid clouds and using multi-cloud strategies. The global serverless architecture market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.2% in 2021 through 2026. It will reach $10.29 billion from $4.2 billion in 2020, according to MarketWatch. The serverless approach promises to help developers beat the cons of self-managed and even virtual server infrastructure. But is serverless right for you?

How attackers abuse Access Token Manipulation (ATT&CK T1134)

In our previous blog post on Windows access tokens for security practitioners, we covered: Having covered some of the key concepts in Windows security, we will now build on this knowledge and start to look at how attackers can abuse legitimate Windows functionality to move laterally and compromise Active Directory domains. This blog has deliberately attempted to abstract away the workings of specific Windows network authentication protocols (e.g., NTLM and Kerberos) where possible.