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cf-remote is now available via pip

cf-remote is a tool for downloading and installing/deploying CFEngine. It automates a lot of the things you have to do before CFEngine is actually installed on your infrastructure, such as provisioning cloud instances, downloading CFEngine installers, copying them to remote hosts and installing / bootstrapping. To make it as easy as possible to get started with cf-remote and CFEngine, it is now available on pypi.

Security vs. Compliance: What's the difference?

The first two posts in our compliance blog series focused on managing compliance through automation. In this third post, we take a step back to explore a more foundational — but no less important — topic: What’s the difference between compliance and security? Is compliant infrastructure secure infrastructure? People often talk about compliance and security as though they’re one and the same.

End-to-End Network Monitoring: Critical KPIs to Track

The IT network stays at the foundation of all the operations and data transfers within your business. Unreliable network or problems with the network performance may have a severe impact on your business. Running a business requires a robust and secure network, that managed effectively to meet all the necessary performance and security goals. The standard network monitoring is not enough in the digital transformation era.

How to Use Quarkus With Micrometer Metrics to Monitor Microservice Pipeline

At LogicMonitor, we deal primarily with large quantities of time series data. Our backend infrastructure processes billions of metrics, events, and configurations daily. In previous blogs, we discussed our transition from monolith to microservice. We also explained why we chose Quarkus as our microservices framework for our Java-based microservices. In this blog we will cover.

Continuous Optimization in AWS CodePipeline using CloudFormation

For those of you who aren’t familiar with AWS CodePipeline, it’s a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) framework that enables application development teams to deliver code updates more frequently and reliably. You may have also heard it being called a CI/CD or DevOps pipeline. These pipelines have always traditionally been used to deploy the components of a certain application whenever new code in “checked-in”.

Not All Buzzwords are Created Equal: Real Applications of Zero Trust Security for IoT

Zero Trust security. Some would say it’s the latest and greatest buzzword and this disposition is understandable given the amount of jargon introduced into the Information Technology market each year. With vernacular being used interchangeably like “AI,” “Machine Learning,” and “Deep Learning,” these words get stripped of their real significance.

Here's why you should be excited about Identity Director 2021.1

As an important part of the security ecosystem, Identity Management shields organizations against cyberattacks. In 2018 and 2019, Osterman Research published important findings indicating hackers’ increased preferences to target employees with social engineering being one of their preferred methods. But identity governance is not an easy task.

How to connect to the Icinga 2 API via the Icinga Console

Today I will show you a couple of small functions you can use with the Icinga Console. Using the Icinga Console can help with scripting in general and provides a quick and easy-to-use way of extracting information from your Icinga environment. We will take a look at extracting information belonging to the service objects in Icinga. Obviously, you can pinpoint different objects, like host objects, with which you can work via the Icinga 2 API and Console.

Pandora FMS Cloud and new download website. The top of 2021.

Here at Pandora FMS we love news. If it were up to us we would wear new dresses and stilettos every week, we would open headquarters in an unknown tropical country and we would change styles, to other more daring and exotic, in our cocktail parties. Just to make our love for the avant-garde clear once and for all.