Exciting news! We have recently updated our Webhooks integration to allow custom headers in order to integrate with third party alarming tools. This update makes our webhooks integration more powerful and adaptable. The Webhook integration allows you to get RapidSpike notifications in your applications, and custom headers lets us send extra data along with the Webhook, which some third parties may require.
VirtualMetric — the all-in-one monitoring solution provider and CloudLand — one of the leading IT distributors in the Netherlands, join efforts to help SMEs from the DACH region and the Netherlands to overcome the top IT challenges during the pandemic. Although the IT sector is one of the most stable during the global pandemic crisis, small and medium enterprises need to battle their specific problems – internal and external.
In this post, we will outline a reference architecture for setting up K3s in a High Availability (HA) configuration. This means that your K3s cluster can tolerate a failure and remain up and running and serving traffic to your users. Your applications should also be built and configured for high availability, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial. K3s is a lightweight certified Kubernetes distribution developed at Rancher Labs that built is for IoT and edge computing.
Today, we are excited to announce PagerTree has added support for public calendars! Public calendars allow you to share a team’s on-call calendar with the rest of the world. Public Calendars are available on our Pro and Elite pricing plans. If you don’t already have an account, sign up for a free-trial now. By default, all calendars are private, so to make use of this feature you must enable it.
MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL databases in the world, used by millions of developers to store application metrics from e-commerce transactions to hospital equipment inventory, from user logins to First World War diaries. MongoDB databases contain mountains of information that SREs, software engineers, and executives can visualize to run their businesses more effectively. Grafana dashboards are most effective when they are layered with context.
When the pandemic hit and everyone went home to work, Citrix was the hero in many IT organizations. Citrix Workspace enabled IT organizations around the world to support their employees, almost overnight, and provide them with consistent, secure, and reliable access to everything they needed to be fully productive while working remotely. And while it was largely transparent to employees, a lot of work went on behind the scenes to make it happen.
In a previous blog we learnt about setting up a Scalable Prometheus-Thanos monitoring stack. We also learnt about how we can cluster multiple Prometheus servers with the help of Thanos and then deduplicate metrics and alerts across them. MetricFire is a Hosted Prometheus solution, and you can use our product with minimal configuration to gain in-depth insight into your environments. If you would like to learn more about it please book a demo with us, or sign up for the free trial today.
We all know that SCOM is a monitoring powerhouse, but even the biggest SCOM fan can’t deny that the SCOM Console dashboards leave much to be desired. They might look colorful, but unfortunately there’s not much else they can do. You can’t drill down further into an object, and you definitely can’t correlate it with other data you might have on that object that could be related.