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A User Journey: Setting Up the Node Beeline on Lambda

Nic Wise at Tend Health recently wrote a series of blog posts exploring how they moved away from logs and metrics, toward adopting observability with Honeycomb. In that series, he shares lessons learned as they got their NodeJS app instrumented in an AWS environment making use of CloudFront, API Gateway, Lambda, and a few other services. Tend is a New Zealand-based healthcare platform launching in 2020.

How to connect ServiceNow and Elasticsearch for bidirectional communication

The Elastic Stack (ELK) has been used for observability and security for many years now, so much so that we now offer the two as out-of-the-box solutions. However, identifying issues and finding the root cause is only part of the process. Often, organizations want to integrate the Elastic Stack into their everyday workflows so they can resolve those issues quickly. This typically involves integrating with some form of ticketing/incident tracking framework.

Gartner: What You Need for Cloud-Centric Monitoring

Enterprise IT organizations which are not doing anything in the public cloud are becoming a rarity. A global survey conducted by O’Reilly prior to the onset of Covid-19 found that 88% of organizations are using cloud in one form or another, and public cloud dominates. Several surveys since March have shown that public cloud adoption is accelerating and with it a preference for multi-cloud computing.

What Is Multicast Networking and How Does It Work?

Multicast networking is based on the simple concept that a single packet can be sent by a server and it will be received by many receivers. Multicast is different from broadcast because it’s more selective. Where broadcast packets are received by all receivers in a particular network segment (or broadcast domain), multicast packets are received only by receivers that want them. Also, multicast receivers can be distributed throughout a larger network behind routers.

How to Rank Highly In Google: Most Important SEO Ranking Factors

Any business that considers web traffic to be an important aspect of its acquisition strategy needs to follow SEO best practices. Like it or not, search engines (and one in particular) are the gatekeepers in the digital world and it pays to play by their rules. As such, we thought it might be helpful to put together a quick overview / list of the most important page elements when it comes to SEO.

Cloud Native Apps - The future of App Modernization

In the last couple of decades, businesses have transformed from monolithic to service-oriented to microservices architecture. As a matter of fact, infrastructure has moved from physical servers to virtual machines to cloud and delivery models have changed from waterfall to agile to DevOps. This paradigm shift is being hailed as App Modernization.

Announcing Native OpenTelemetry Support in Splunk APM

At Splunk, we've been leading the way in observability and helping accelerate the adoption of the OpenTelemetry project. With the trace specification reaching a stable maturity level and several SignalFx Gateway and client library capabilities being upstreamed, we're ready to go all-in while we continue accelerating the growth and adoption of OpenTelemetry beyond the commitments we made last year.

What's New in Splunk Cloud: Part 1

Every business transformation needs a data strategy and the ability to manage increasingly complex environments. And while companies all over the globe are embracing the cloud, this shift has only exacerbated the associated complexity, compounded by the uncertainty brought about by the current global pandemic. You’ve got more data centers and attack surfaces to monitor and secure, in addition to greater unpredictability and risk.

6 top risk factors to triage vulnerabilities effectively

Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) scores have been viewed as the de facto measure to prioritize vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities are assigned CVSS scores ranging from one to 10, with 10 being the most severe. However, they were never intended as a means of risk prioritization. If you’ve relied on CVSS scores alone to safeguard your organization, here’s why you’re probably using them incorrectly.

Add more context to your logs with Enrichment Tables

Logs provide valuable information for troubleshooting application performance issues. But as your application scales and generates more logs, sifting through them becomes more difficult. Your logs may not provide enough context or human-readable data for understanding and resolving an issue, or you may need more information to help you interpret the IDs or error codes that application services log by default.