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Updatable Ubuntu Server Live Installer

The Ubuntu Server Live Installer, introduced with the release of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver), provides a live Ubuntu Server environment along with a streamlined server installation experience. Building on guided installs for LVM, RAID, encrypted disks and advanced networking configuration (VLANs and bonds) the installer can refresh itself to the latest version during the live session.

On-Demand Webinar - Modernizing Monolithic Apps with AWS & Stackery

A few weeks ago, Stackery had the pleasure of participating in a webinar with leaders from AWS and MasterStream ERP, a telecom-quoting company that has quite the architectural modernization story to tell due to their adoption of serverless with Stackery. Our very own Farrah Campbell (Ecosystems Director) sat down for a fireside chat with Santiago Cardenas (Sr.

Monitor ProxySQL with Datadog

ProxySQL is a MySQL/MariaDB protocol–compliant load balancer and reverse proxy with native support for a range of popular backends including ClickHouse, Amazon Aurora, and Amazon RDS. ProxySQL efficiently distributes queries to your database servers and caches results, improving resource management and boosting database performance. You can also configure ProxySQL for high availability to reduce downtime.

5 major risks that impact vulnerable network devices

Working from home has become our new normal, with many of our jobs being performed remotely. The experience of working remotely can be as seamless as it was from our workplace, with all the technological advancements available today. Businesses have also put network security on the forefront by implementing use of virtual private networks (VPNs). This enables users to securely access confidential information hosted on the organizations’ servers.

What Is Cloud Monitoring? Features, Benefits & More

93% of businesses use cloud services, and many are looking forward to investing more in it. Which means almost everyone nowadays is using cloud in some form or another. If any part of your infrastructure is in the cloud, then you must monitor it. This article will show you the features and benefits of cloud monitoring. We’ve also covered how cloud monitoring can help in the current pandemic situation.

Secure DevOps at the Edge with Sysdig and IBM

Innovative companies are looking to take advantage of cloud-native technologies beyond the data center to deliver faster innovation and competitive advantage at the edge. Recognizing the need for a common approach to create, deploy, run, secure, monitor, maintain and scale business logic and analytics applications wherever your business takes you, IBM today announced its edge computing offerings, including the IBM Edge Application Manager.

How isolation improves queries in Prometheus 2.17

There are instances in life when isolation is actually welcome. One of those instances pertains to the I in the acronym ACID, which outlines the key properties necessary to maintain the integrity of transactions in a database. The time series database (TSDB) embedded in the Prometheus server has the C (consistency), the D (durability), and – somewhat debatable – the A (atomicity). But up until and including Prometheus v2.16, it did not have the I (isolation).

The Lifecycle of a Response

Last year, the Skylight team gave a talk called Inside Rails: The Lifecycle of a Request. In that talk, we covered everything that happens between typing a URL into your browser to a request reaching your Rails controller action. But that talk ended with a cliffhanger: Once we are in the controller action, how does Rails send our response back to the browser?