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Manufacturing in Crisis Mode: How Data Power Can Help

For those of you with some gray hair working in the manufacturing business, remember when order intake plunged suddenly by more than 40%? Remember when CFO and Controllers ruled the company, driving painful cost-cutting programs to counter double-digit business losses? It was the time of the Economic and Financial Crisis 2007/08, which forced manufacturing organizations to stare in the abyss.

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The top web performance killers and how to prevent them

Loading speeds of websites will always be a tricky thing to manage. They depend on anything and everything between your user's choice of device and the server hardware your site runs on. There are many web performance killers that can be removed as you develop your web page. Removing as many of these barriers as possible is critical if you want your website to load smoothly and quickly for the majority of your users. Here are some suggestions for streamlining everything that is within your control to allow for the fastest possible load times for your users.

Managing Burnout During COVID-19

During this crisis, we’re all trying our best to keep ourselves and others healthy, manage chaotic homes, and prioritize our mental health. However, this can be difficult even when we’re not experiencing a pandemic. With the added stress, burnout is occurring at an alarming rate with people unable to separate home from work, the increased burden of keeping everything on and heightened on-call loads, and the strain on communication.

The role of infrastructure management in optimizing digital transformation

Digital transformation has now become a reality. It has moved a long way from being an option to a necessity, especially after the outbreak of COVID-19. While every department in an organization is being digitized, businesses reckon digital experience management as a key strategy in optimizing their transformation journey and also in creating a robust business model.

Security configurations-Part one: 7 reasons why security configurations are crucial to your security blueprint

Security configurations are security-specific settings used to secure heterogeneous endpoints such as servers, desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and tablets. As endpoints in your network diversify, securing each endpoint becomes a challenge. One way to ensure effective endpoint security is by automating it, which is where security configurations come into play. Security configurations are utilized to secure and control every facet of your network.

Avoiding Memory Leaks in NodeJS: Best Practices for Performance

Memory leaks are something every developer has to eventually face. They are common in most languages, even if the language automatically manages memory for you. Memory leaks can result in problems such as application slowdowns, crashes, high latency, and so on. In this blog post, we will look at what memory leaks are and how you can avoid them in your NodeJS application. Though this is more focused on NodeJS, it should generally apply to JavaScript and TypeScript as well.

How to Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Cluster with AKS

At the end of October 2017, Microsoft announced the release of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), its hosted version of Kubernetes. If you’re new to AKS and curious about how to get a proof of concept (PoC) set up in your environment, read on. In this AKS tutorial, you’re going to learn, step-by-step, how to get an Azure Kubernetes cluster built with AKS.

Local Kubernetes Development with Okteto

At Codefresh we understand how much Kubernetes has changed the local flow for developers and we have already covered not only local Kubernetes distributions for Mac, Windows and Linux, but also specialized tools such draft, skaffold, garden.io and tilt.dev that are focused on developers who work with Kubernetes. This time we will look at Okteto, a brand new tool that aims to make developers more productive when using Kubernetes.

Kubernetes and the Enterprise Knowledge Graph

In today’s enterprises, we spend much of our time dealing with information, whether it’s data, knowledge or analytics. Just like the assembly line workers of last century, today’s knowledge workers deal with similar logistics of taking raw materials as an input and producing a finished product as an output. Only in this case, the raw material is all the unorganized and sometimes random information at our disposal, and the finished product is structured information.