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Creating modern customer service experiences with Elastic Enterprise Search

Let’s be honest. No one wakes up in the morning thinking of reasons to contact customer support. It’s tedious, onerous, and can eat into your evening Netflix time. Thankfully, most brands realize that customer experiences drive brand loyalty and repeat purchases.

Glitch List: April 2020

Even though most of us have spent this month working from home or furloughed due to COVID-19, glitches certainly haven’t been taking a break. We’re still relying on intricate software systems to keep the world moving, and we have little ability to maintain them in person. What’s more, changing usage patterns have stressed global networks in ways that are hard to anticipate. As a result, we find ourselves in a perfect storm for technical outages.

MSPs: Time To Reinvent

Managed service providers (MSPs) have been around for more than 20 years, and my how things have changed since they grew out of the original application service provider (ASP) model. Until recently, MSPs have focused primarily on remote monitoring, security, network management and other routine IT tasks that CIOs would rather outsource for cheaper than they can run internally.

Introducing the New LogDNA Agent for Kubernetes

On the internet, nothing necessarily stays easy, simple, and reliable forever – but we’re trying to keep it that way for your logs. When our customers use Kubernetes, they want to remain focused on the real challenges of scaling, and avoid infrastructure headaches, so that they can adapt to the unexpected easily and with a minimum of toil. That’s why we continue to invest in the LogDNA Agent. It’s built to handle file logging in even the most intensive Kubernetes deployments.

Store and Show Raw Log Lines

LogDNA is adding the ability to store and view raw lines, allowing customers to debug with logs in their unaltered form. If you’ve ever looked at your logs and noticed that the timestamp was different than what you expected, it is usually due to a long latency between the event and processing time of the logs. Depending on the size of the latency, we may update the log timestamp to order them accurately and to provide a cleaner and more intuitive search experience.

Seven Serverless Champions You Should Start Following Today

There are so many early serverless adopters and pioneers who many of us in the community know well: AWS heroes, in-demand speakers, and celebrated community organizers with thousands of followers, popular Twitch channels, and full speaking dockets. It’s a fantastic idea to follow these folks because they are known for a reason.We cover them regularly at Stackery!

The enterprise is ripe for mobile disruption

Business leaders are always looking for ways to leverage technology so that employees can do their best work and meet evolving customer demands. While we settle into the new normal of remote work, mobile technology is taking on a new role in the enterprise, as employees adapt to an increased blending of their professional and personal lives. At ServiceNow, we recently conducted new research to understand how employees are taking advantage of mobile services offered by their organizations.

Status Page Webhooks: New and Improved!

Since 2015, StatusGator has offered a unique solution for monitoring the status of hundreds of cloud services. By aggregating each service’s status page into a unified API, StatusGator provides the status of all your dependencies in a single place. Our status page webhooks solution was previously quite basic and limited in its capabilities. But we recently launched StatusGator webhooks v2 and invite you to try it now.

Remote work: Governing and guiding end users

With remote work being the new normal thanks to the ongoing pandemic, enterprises are facing the dilemma of how to update and secure all their network endpoints while managing devices efficiently. Many businesses have adapted their operations to a remote work model. As a result, the increase in individuals working from home has put pressure on IT staff, the infrastructure, and security operations absorbing the extra burden.

Web-Skimming attack affects 20,000 Customers on Home Improvement Site

The COVID-19 virus epidemic has seen a 23% rise in visitors to UK independent ecommerce sites. On a global scale, many companies have transitioned to fully ecommerce-based business practice and are seeing an increase in online shoppers. This paradigm shift in business continuity means websites are increasingly vulnerable to being attacked.