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Razorops CI/CD with Linode Kubernetes Engine

Linode is one of simplest, affordable, and accessible cloud computing platform, It has recentely launched managed Kubernetes called Linod Kubernetes Engine(LKE). Following video expalins how to create Linode Kubernets Cluster and Connect to RazorOps Dashboard. Razorops is a container Native CI/CI tool to automate and ship you application to any Kubernetes.

The Benefits of Running GroundWork Monitor in Containers

If you have been watching our announcements, you know we have recently released a major new version of GroundWork Monitor Enterprise, version 8. As I write this, that’s actually 8.0.1, which is a little more than the first release. The thing about version 8 though, is that it’s containerized. That’s right, all of the many processes that GroundWork uses to monitor, alert, log, and report on your infrastructure are all running in Docker containers.

Interplay of AIOps with ITSM Systems

ITSM systems and processes are similar to a front line defence system for Enterprises’ effort, in delivering superior customer satisfaction to its IT users. Enterprises are always looking for ways to resolve tickets as fast as possible and at an optimal cost. AIOps systems play a key role in automating data collection required for analysis , equipping support teams with insights to take immediate remediation action and eventually leading to automation of the complete process.

Mattermost recipe: Using Google Lighthouse and ChatOps for website auditing and performance tracking

Every web developer wants to build a website that adheres to the almost mythical “best practices” so that it is light and performant. But how exactly are developers supposed to measure performance? And what is considered to be a best practice when it comes to developing for the web?

JFrog Leaps for Growth: Appoints Independent Board Members From Jive, Netflix and Five9

The world of software drives digital innovation, and software delivery is increasingly being driven by JFrog. We’re honored and humbled to continue to grow alongside our customers. To enable our next leap ahead, we’re proud to announce that we’ve appointed key industry leaders as independent members of our Board of Directors that will assist us to further grow in the DevOps market.

Enhance Your Windows 10 Experience With User Workspace Management

Windows 10 migration dominated IT bandwidth at the close of 2019 and might still be lingering as we enter Q2 of 2020. But for those who have successfully migrated, the priority now switches to managing the madness of Windows 10. How do you best manage the latest version of Windows and ensure a quality experience for end users?

Black Swans and Grey Rhinos - Observations on Coronavirus and IT Ops During Crisis

As the Coronavirus crisis unfolds and all of us struggle to understand its implications and to adapt, many thoughts come to mind on many different levels – personal, business related, philosophical. This event is definitely a game changer, in the near future for sure – and many say in the long run as well.

Leveraging Lambda Cache for Serverless Cost-Efficiency

Cost-efficiency is one of the main pillars of the Serverless Well-Architected framework. Read-intensive applications can save money and improve efficiency by using cache systems. AWS Lambda’s internal memory could be used as a caching mechanism. A Lambda container remains alive after an invocation is served, even if it stays idle for some time. Whatever was loaded in the container’s memory will remain there for the next invocations.

Using API Gateway to run Database Queries

The most common integration type for AWS API Gateway is with Lambda functions. The API service can integrate with virtually any other service that accepts HTTP requests, though. This opens up possibilities to use the API Gateway as a proxy to database queries, without any compute layer such as a Lambda function. The direct integration between API and database is perfect when Lambda serves only as an intermediator.