Network downtime opens the gates to productivity loss and customer attrition and can affect business growth moderately or even severely. Usually, the reasons behind a network outage are the following: Errors in network endpoints: Things like a network bottleneck or a spike in temperature can interrupt a client’s network operations and then snowball into an outage. Operational slip-ups: According to research done by Uptime Institute, 70% of data center and service downtime is due to human error.
ScienceLogic customers are well-aware of the challenges inherent with the growing complexity of their IT infrastructures. That’s why you’re making investments in digital transformation and adopted SL1 as your AIOps platform of choice for your IT operations monitoring and management strategy.
In episode 11 of Network AF, Avi talks with Jezzibell Gilmore, co-founder and chief commercial officer (CCO) of PacketFabric. Jezzibell is a powerful woman in networking who is modernizing and paving the way for infrastructure in the digital universe. In the conversation, she shares how she’s weaving together technology, business drivers and cutting-edge innovation, while keeping her foot firmly on the ground.
Part of our job here at Progress is to not only look at the challenges our customers are currently facing, but also to look at the technology landscape in general and consider the challenges they’re going to be facing. We don’t have a crystal ball, of course, but there are a plenty of trends that are obvious to even the most casual observer. Security has always been important, but the last year has made it clear exactly how important it is for every organization with a network.
Financial services firms face three key network issues: maintaining compliance with an array of regulations, keeping a growing horde of financial data hungry hackers at bay, and earning the trust of users with an always-on responsive network. Financial data is so valuable, cybercriminals make getting it a top priority. And financial services networks are so interconnected and complex, there are all sorts of ways hackers can try to break in. The security threat to finance is more than bad.
This blog post discusses some of the best practices for balancing the costs of cloud traffic monitoring while maintaining a reasonable level of visibility. Progress Flowmon 12 has introduced the processing of native flow logs from Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, plus it has enhanced support for Amazon Web Services (AWS) flow logs.