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MYCOM OSI supports Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) for its suite of Service Assurance applications

MYCOM OSI announced today that it has implemented support for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) as the foundational service for its EAA (Experience Assurance and Analytics) suite of Service Assurance applications.

What is Microsoft's New Operator Connect Accelerator?

One of the great things about being in the telecom industry is the constant innovation that occurs. For example, Microsoft just announced an exciting new offering for telecom service providers, Operator Connect Accelerator, aimed at helping them get the most out of their Teams investments. Operator Connect is Microsoft’s managed service for connecting Teams and telephony services.

Filling in the Gaps: Manufacturing and MSPs

It’s no secret that the world of manufacturing is changing fast. The “fourth industrial revolution”, a.k.a. Industry 4.0, is leading to the digitization of just about every stage in the manufacturing process. Of course, a shift from a primarily analog and mechanical world to one where digital is at the forefront means increased bandwidth requirements, larger potential attack surfaces for cybersecurity exploits, and a drastic increase in the sheer amount of network-connected devices.

Types of Network Performance Monitoring Tools

Modern networks are complex. Their complexity is increasing daily. As much as this complexity solves modern-day problems, it may also give rise to many. Adding to the complexity is that networks have become the backbone of an organization. With remote working increasing, organizations are relying on networking infrastructure and technologies.

Importance of Networking Performance Monitoring Tools and How Infraon can Help

The importance of networking management is even more now because of increasing network complexity. Network management has become one of the most crucial aspects of a business. Without effective network management, it is impossible to have a productive workplace. It is also impossible to have zero downtime and network failures. Network management makes the high availability of networks a reality. Table of Contents.

Flowmon 12 - Workflows and UX Improvements

We released Flowmon 12 at the end of February. The new and updated functionality in the latest version has been well received by existing users, and has prompted many new organizations to consider the product. The headline changes in Flowmon 12 are in the blog post Progress Flowmon 12 – Ultimate Enabler of Your Multi-cloud Strategy.

Network Alerts-Monitoring and Notifications

When it comes to IT, you can’t do anything with an asset you can’t see. When it comes to your networking, monitoring offers the eyeballs to know what is going on. But IT and network pros don’t spend all day staring at a dashboard waiting for something to happen. Like your local police department, they rely on notifications of trouble. Instead of 911 calls, IT depends on network alerts.

Why Redundancy Should Be An Important Part Of Your Multi-Cloud Strategy

For many organisations, multi-cloud has become or is becoming inevitable. After all, it’s unlikely there is a single cloud out there that is able to support all your requirements. More than likely however, is the chance that your business is becoming multi-cloud by stealth. Organisations typically use several, to dozens, to hundreds of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products, as well as a handful of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) hosting services, and development Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS).