You have to capture everything to investigate security issues thoroughly, right? More often than not, data that at one time was labeled irrelevant and thrown away is found to be the missing piece of the puzzle when investigating a malicious attacker or the source of an information leak. So, you need to capture every network packet.
Understanding the needs of your network is vital to keep your network up and running. In the wake of the remote work era, it’s important to monitor and plan your bandwidth utilization. Recent surveys have reported a 45% increase in VoIP and video traffic as the need for telecommuting has doubled since the pandemic. Business Wire, a broadband provider, also reported a 30% spike in data traffic and a 50% rise in voice traffic since mid-March.
In your career, if your role has ever included the monitoring or managing of any network infrastructure devices such as switches, routers, firewalls, etc., you’ve very likely heard of SNMP. In case you haven’t, SNMP stands for Simple Network Management Protocol, and, unlike its name suggests, it is anything but simple. It is a standard protocol for collecting information from network devices and organizing it in a way that humans can (sort of) understand.
Our networks are always changing and evolving. Network Testing for higher speeds, better application and network device performance, and after a new service deployment or migration, helps us understand the impact of changes on our network. In this article, we’re running you through how to test network performance using Network Testing and Monitoring tools.
Broadcom officially closed on the acquisition of AppNeta on Jan 31, 2022. This marks a new beginning for AppNeta and the Broadcom network monitoring software business. AppNeta will take the lead in our vision to enable Network Visibility Anywhere, focusing especially on operational blind spots and experience in the last mile. We aim to ensure a quality digital experience anywhere while working, transacting, communicating and automating.
Microsoft Windows is one of the most widely used operating systems and is preferred by users all around the world. A Windows device is associated with a lot of processes, services, and events that often need to be tracked from a single console. This is where a Windows network monitoring tool comes in handy. A Windows network monitoring tool is used to monitor the availability and performance of Windows devices in a network.
One of the powerful tools available in Grafana Cloud is Synthetic Monitoring, a black box monitoring solution that can provide insights that are hard to get in other ways. It provides a different view of your application by observing performance and uptime externally and from all over the world. As a result, you can build an understanding of what your end users are actually experiencing. However, as great as it is, synthetic monitoring does have limitations.