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Are NoSQL Databases Relevant For Data Engineering?

SQL is great, but sometimes you may need something else. By and large, the prevalent type of data that data engineers deal with on a regular basis is relational. Tables in a data warehouse, transactional data in Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) databases — they can all be queried and accessed using SQL. But does it mean that NoSQL is irrelevant for data engineering?

Efficiently Monitor the State of Redis Database Clusters

Monitoring Redis, the open source in-memory data platform, is complicated enough when you are hosting your Redis instance on just a single server. It gets even more complex when you build a Redis cluster that consists of multiple nodes and distribute your data across them. But as long as you know which metrics to prioritize and how to collect them, Redis monitoring is feasible enough. This article offers an overview of how to monitor the state of Redis database clusters.

Powerful Caching with Redis for Node.js Applications

Regardless of the tech stack used, many developers have already used Redis or, at least, heard of it. Redis is specifically known for providing distributed caching mechanisms for cluster-based applications. While this is true, it’s not its only purpose. Redis is a powerful and versatile in-memory database. Powerful because it is incredibly super fast. Versatile because it can handle caching, database-like features, session management, real-time analytics, event streaming, etc.

5 Universal Steps to Cloud Database Migration

Chances are if you’re reading this, you are (or are thinking about) moving to cloud. While cloud migration isn’t a new term and many people are migrating, there are a few things you should know before taking the leap. Migrating your database to the cloud is worth the hours of planning, sorting through data and running tests because if it’s not done right, it may come with more bad than good.

SQL Sentry Tips and Tricks: Monitoring Targets Across Multiple Domains

A frequently asked question when I’m speaking with SQL Sentry customers is, “Can I monitor targets across multiple domains?” The answer to this question is yes. Although there might be specific scenarios in which you’ll want to have multiple SQL Sentry installs, it’s possible to monitor targets across multiple domains through one install (i.e., one centralized SQL Sentry database). There are a couple of different options available to do so.

What's the state of Database DevOps in 2021?

In 2017, Redgate published the first State of Database DevOps report, based on a survey of IT and database professionals from around the world. Every year since then, it has provided insights into the adoption, usage, challenges and benefits of DevOps and database DevOps. We’ve just launched the fifth edition of the report, which has had over 8,000 responses to date.

SQL Sentry Events Log Updates Provide a Centralized View of Events

The SQL Sentry Environment Health Overview (EHO), which is part of the dashboard shown on the Start page, enables you to see all the conditions that have fired alongside the overall health of your database environment. We understand how useful it is to be able to quickly review the health information without having to dig deep into performance data, and we’re excited to announce a few enhancements to the EHO, Events Log, and Actions Log available in the SQL Sentry 2021.1 release.

Your Performance Data, Your Way With Custom Charts in SentryOne Portal

Our product and engineering teams have spent a significant amount of time over the past year working on a new dashboard experience in SentryOne® Portal to give you the upper hand in monitoring your servers and diagnosing performance issues. Providing control over the way data is displayed is one of our most requested features, and we’re excited to satisfy this request with custom charts.

5 Reasons You Don't Need a Management Title to Be a Leader

Leaders can be categorized, somewhat, by their motivation. I recall an offsite meeting a few years ago that began with everyone contemplating the question, "Why do you lead?" There were about 15 people in the room, and each attendee could be grouped in one of the following categories: Nothing is wrong with any of these categories necessarily. They’re all concepts that can drive either positive or negative outcomes.

Expert Guide to Redis Monitoring

Redis is an open source. in-memory data structure store with blazing performance that’s used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis is licensed under BSD (Berkeley Source Distribution), which means it can be used for free with some minimum use restrictions. It supports a good number of abstract data structures, such as strings, maps, lists, and so on. Redis, which is used as a database to store data, is fast in performance.