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Serverless Well-Architected - Reconciling Resilience and Cost-Optimization

We recently wrote about the reasons why serverless apps fail and explored some ideas to make architectures more resilient and scalable. Some of these architectural designs can become expensive if we don’t consider the financial impacts of architectural decisions. With proper care and consideration to this aspect, it is possible to achieve the same value in terms of scalability and resiliency while keeping costs at a manageable level.

Azure service health alerts and escalation with Zenduty

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service providing infrastructure as a service (IaaS), software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) supporting multiple Microsoft Specific and third-party services and systems with 90+ compliance offerings and trusted by 95% of Fortune 500 companies to base their business on. What is a system downtime and how does it affect me or my business?

Optimizing container workload infrastructure while respecting instance-level dependencies

Ocean by Spot continuously makes sure that all pods’ requirements are met so they can be scheduled by Kubernetes on the right nodes, with intelligent bin packing for optimized resource usage. In some use cases there are instance level dependencies, such as: To ensure that these instance level dependencies are met, we are pleased to share that Ocean launch specifications now supports a maximum number of instances allowed to run concurrently.

Installing NVIDIA GPU Drivers On Oracle Cloud

In recent reports, it is stated that datacenter-based GPU deployments is the fastest sector, and again, that’s no surprise. The cloud has had its own incredible growth over the years, and it’s only natural that these two technologies are starting to work in harmony. As a matter of fact, most public clouds have GPU offerings, which leads us to the meat of this blog post: Oracle Cloud.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? A cloudy decision

If you’ve been operating in the cloud for some time now, chances are your business has changed since you first made that move. Has your cloud usage grown considerably—and your OpEx costs? Is that just the cost of doing business in the cloud? It doesn’t have to be. Here’s how you can rationalize your infrastructure and determine if there are cloud expenses you can reclaim and even if it makes sense to move some of your cloud deployments into co-location.

The cloud ecosystem and how start-ups can effectively manage it

The cloud is becoming the vehicle for next-generation digital business and has emerged as the go-to platform for start-ups looking to thrive in today's highly dynamic and competitive market. Traditional on-premises IT solutions require higher investments in hardware, software licenses, maintenance, and training costs, which makes them ill-suited for start-ups.

What does Serverless have in common with Nutella and Why it is Here to Stay

There is an interesting discussion going on around how Serverless is more of a spectrum rather than a binary choice. The move towards the Serverless-end of the cloud spectrum builds upon a decades-old trend, which is why Serverless is here to stay.

Understanding & Leveraging AWS Auto Scaling Groups

An AWS Auto Scaling group (ASG) is a fleet of EC2 instances that can scale up or down depending on application demand. The elasticity of Auto Scaling groups makes them highly-attractive options for enterprises who do not want to invest in purchasing expensive hardware only to respond to sudden or temporary spikes in application demand.

Export RDS Snapshots Action

In January, AWS announced the ability to export RDS snapshots to S3. This new feature allows you to export your RDS data to S3 buckets in Apache Parquet format. Today, I’m happy to say that we’ve added a new action to help with this feature: Export RDS Snapshots. This new action will automate the process of exporting RDS snapshots to S3 on a daily basis.

How to deploy an app to AWS: Getting started

Launching a production app onto the cloud is a big task with a ton of tiny sub-tasks, and it can all be pretty overwhelming. We're here for you. We've launched an app ourselves (Blue Matador, our cloud infrastructure monitoring software). In the coming weeks, we will walk you through everything you need to know and do to successfully launch your app—with the least amount of effort.