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Powering government security and innovation in the cloud

It’s no secret that government agencies are facing increasing restrictions and compliance regulations as they strive to ensure effective data governance and protection. “Agencies have a lot of regulated information that needs to be governed, and they need to make sure it’s not compromised,” says Corey DuBois, senior advisory presales solution consultant at ServiceNow. “There are a lot of checks and balances they need to have in place.”

What IT Pros Can Learn from the Marriott Data Breach

Despite the best efforts of individuals to protect their own data, they cannot always account for the cybersecurity shortcomings of larger organizations such as their employers, financial institutions, and healthcare providers entrusted with their personal information. Hotels should also be added to this list of vulnerable entities, as was made painfully apparent in the most recent Marriott data breach.

Cross-Site Request Forgery - Threat To Open Web Applications

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) is an attack that tricks a user's browser into sending a malicious HTTP request to another website. This malicious HTTP request looks like it was sent by the user, but it actually comes from the attacker. A cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attempts to execute a change rather than trying to download personal data. Once an attack is executed there is no way for the attacker to directly monitor the result so attackers often execute multiple forgeries.

How Modern Log Intelligence Meets New Cybersecurity Regulations by CERT-In

According to Norton’s Cyber Safety Pulse Report, India faced over 18 million cyber threats in only Q1 2022, roughly 200,000 threats every day. Of the bulk, 60,000 were phishing attempts, and 30,000 were tech support scams. For perspective, phishing attempts around the world during the same period counted for approximately 16 million. CERT-In also reported over 2.12 lakh (~0.1 million) cybersecurity incidents until February 2022.
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Automated Security Alert Remediation: A Closer Look

In cloud-native organizations and software as a service (SaaS) businesses, cloud security automation is becoming a must-have feature. You can't stay ahead of threats across several levels of your cloud environment using manual procedures alone, and you can't rely exclusively on cloud providers' security technology, which doesn't operate across different clouds and lacks advanced automation features. Managing these infrastructures and apps in multi-cloud settings becomes increasingly difficult and compounds the operational issues that you face today. Automation is the way to go if you want to stay ahead of the game and meet the expectations of your customers.

Cloud Security: Key Emerging Trends You Need to Know in 2022 And Beyond

The early days of cloud computing saw people subject it to severe scrutiny. The main talking point revolved around its security and the ability of infrastructure providers to keep it secure. Regardless of the doubts, more businesses are migrating to the cloud. That's mainly because leading cloud service providers have consistently improved and upgraded their processes to secure their networks. However, even with years of improvement, the old fears remain.

Kafka Security - First Steps

Apache Kafka provides an unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. Installing Apache Kafka, especially the right configuration of Kafka Security including authentication and encryption is kind of a challenge. This should give a brief summary about our experience and lessons learned when trying to install and configure Apache Kafka, the right way.

The state of configuration management

Since joining the CFEngine team in 2019 I’ve heard and read numerous times that the configuration management market is dying and becoming obsolete. While I and many others don’t personally adopt this line of thinking, I can understand why one would come to this conclusion being that we’re in an ever-changing industry and talking about solutions that have been around for decades.