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Cloning git repos and creating systemd services with CFEngine

Using modules, you can add custom promise types to CFEngine, to manage new resources. In this blog post, I’d like to introduce some of the first official modules, namely git and systemd promise types. They were both written by Fabio Tranchitella, who normally works on our other product, Mender.io. He decided to learn some CFEngine and within a couple of weeks he’s contributed 3 modules, showing just how easy it is to implement new promise types. Thanks, Fabio!

August/2021 - HAProxy 2.0+ HTTP/2 Vulnerabilities Fixed

If you are using HAProxy 2.0 or newer, it is important that you update to the latest version. A vulnerability was found that makes it possible to abuse the HTTP/2 parser, allowing an attacker to prepend hostnames to a request, append top-level domains to an existing domain, and inject invalid characters through the :method pseudo-header.

Using Calico with Kubespray

In the Kubernetes ecosystem there are a variety of ways for you to provision your cluster, and which one you choose generally depends on how well it integrates with your existing knowledge or your organization’s established tools. Kubespray is a tool built using Ansible playbooks, inventories, and variable files—and also includes supplemental tooling such as Terraform examples for provisioning infrastructure.

How Sportsbet enhanced data security with automation

At Sportsbet, an Australian online betting company with more than 1.25 million customers, one thing we’re not willing to take a gamble on is customer security. That means having strict identity and access management protocols in place to protect customer data and get better visibility into whom our employees are and what they have access to.

Optional arguments with getopt_long(3)

I recently had a minor task involving changing an option - on one of our command line tools - from taking a required argument, to taking an optional argument. This should be easy they said; just change the respective option struct to take an optional argument, add a colon to the optstring, and get on with your life. Well, it proved to be easier said than done. My initial expectation was that a solution similar to the one below should just work. And it does work, just not in the way I expected.

Open Source Robotics Challenges - Planning for Security

Open Source Robotics Challenges is a series of blogs that will share guidelines and advice for open source companies to overcome market barriers. We will touch on topics regularly raised by companies in our open source community such as security awareness, prototyping strategies, safety architecture, adoption and more.

Are You Spending Enough on Cybersecurity?

Cybercriminals do not discriminate against the organization, people or industry they target. These actors look to exploit vulnerabilities in resources to intercept valuable data from small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Cyberattacks are inevitable, and organizations must have the right controls and information security systems to mitigate the impact of an attack.

Humans Can be Hacked. So Stop Using Passwords, Already!

Humans are the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain. Where have you heard that before? Humans can be hacked! That too? Yes, I am also one of those weak links in the constant battle against malicious cyber criminals and it can be attributed to just being lazy. It’s human nature and we can easily be socially engineered into giving up our precious online user credentials to the bad guys.

5 Automated Anti-Phishing Protection Techniques

In an age when attackers create over a million phishing sites each month, and phishing serves as a beachhead for 95 percent of all attacks against enterprise networks, how can businesses respond? Part of the answer lies in educating users to recognize and report phishing, of course. But user education only goes so far – particularly because the same statistics cited above show that, on average, only 3 percent of users will report phishing emails.

The number one business bad habit MSPs need to stop doing immediately

The N-able Head Security Nerd, Lewis Pope, just published a blog outlining the top 25 cybersecurity bad practices demonstrated by MSPs today. To accompany his post, I wanted to add one more risky bad habit to his list. It’s something I commonly see being practiced by too many MSPs from a business perspective—allowing a customer’s budget to dictate what a cybersecurity offering should look like.