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Time drift monitoring: Troubles of unsynchronized servers

A distributed IT infrastructure has many servers operating across multiple regions. Applying a single consistent time across servers will ensure isolated servers communicate in the proper time zone when exposed to the internet. When Microsoft encountered this problem back in 2017, the servers were offset by almost an hour, affecting a number of windows machines. With Reddit, it was a different case.

Easy Ingress Management on the Edge with K3s lightweight Kubernetes and Traefik

K3s and Traefik are partnering to speed up cloud native applications deployment. K3s, by Rancher, is the best way to have a lightweight, fully CNCF conformant Kubernetes cluster running on diverse infrastructures, including possible IoT appliances such as Raspberry Pis. K3s starts in seconds thanks to its light weight nature. As it adds some components to the cluster automatically, k3s is very easy to use and therefore very accessible for new users.

How to Get Stronger Consistency Out of a Datastore

Welcome to our series of blog posts about things Sentry does that perhaps we shouldn’t do. Don’t get us wrong — we don’t regret our decisions. We’re sharing our notes in case you also choose the path less traveled. In this post, we stretch technologies to their limits to see real-time data while handling traffic spikes.

Have it Your Way - Detailing the New ServiceNow CMDB Release and Auto Balanced Collectors

Earlier this year we announced the official LogicMonitor - ServiceNow CMDB App, and it’s been exciting to see how quickly our customers are adopting the feature-rich integration. As with most workflow integrations across the LogicMonitor ecosystem, the CMDB App was built with customization in mind.

Securing Secrets With HashiCorp Vault and Logz.io Security Analytics

Secrets, i.e. passwords, API keys, certificates, and any other type of credential used for digital authentication, have exploded in number and type. Even small-sized organizations might have thousands of SSH keys for example. Secrets are also a common security weakness often exploited by attackers.

#KUBE100 is here!

After many months of feverishly working behind the scenes, we’re beyond excited to announce that the #KUBE100 beta program is live. #KUBE100 is the name of the beta program for the Civo Kubernetes service. What makes it unique is that it’s the first k3s-powered managed Kubernetes service on the market. Here's a little more insight into what we want to achieve with #KUBE100, from our CTO, Andy.

Icinga Module for AWS

Some say you have to move all of your server infrastructure into the cloud. Others counter that you should keep your data safe and secure in your own datacenter. And then there are many people in between who use cloud services as an addition to their self-hosted servers. In fact, there’s no right or wrong, because as always in IT: It depends. We at Icinga always try to find a way to make everyone happy with their monitoring – be it in the cloud or on premise.

Unplanned Work, Part 2: The Impact on the Enterprise

Today, technology problems can alter the trajectory of a business. Minutes of downtime or latency (slow is the new down) cost organizations dearly in lost revenue and can jeopardize customer relationships. However, there’s an even more important consequence of technology problems than top-line risk: reduced innovation as teams are forced into reactive fire drills that take time away from product development.