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A tour of Go concurrency patterns via the new Heartbeat scheduler

Curious about how to write more idiomatic concurrent code in Go? It’s not always easy or intuitive, even if you’ve done lots of concurrent programming in other languages. I’ve been lucky to have worked in a well-written code base, and had the expert advice of Beats core area lead Steffen Siering along the way. In this post I’ll walk you through how we implemented a new scheduler for Heartbeat that is part of our upcoming 7.6.0 release.

How KeyBank used the Elastic Stack to build an enterprise monitoring solution

KeyBank is one of the largest banks in the United States. And as the bank has grown, so has their end-to-end monitoring system. With more than 1,100 branches and 1,400 ATMs stretching across 15 states, KeyBank’s infrastructure had evolved into a “Noah’s Ark of design,” says Mick Miller, Senior Product Manager, Cloud Native at KeyBank. In other words, they had two of everything, resulting in 21 different data islands.

What is Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)?

In this three-part series, we will take a hard look at Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service: how it helps organizations run Kubernetes on AWS, what insights can be gained in EKS and how it’s monitored, and finally, how organizations can get the most out of EKS with the help of Sumo Logic. For the first installment, we’ll learn how it works and how organizations can get started with Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service.

Kubernetes as a Service

DevOps teams are increasingly looking toward Kubernetes as a scalable and effective way to package application containers of all sorts.. However, while Docker and Kubernetes have paved the way for the container and microservices revolution, there is still plenty of room for innovation. The strength of the Kubernetes tool lies in its ability to blend the simplicity of Platform as a Service with the stability of Infrastructure as a Service software.

InfluxDB 2.0 Open Source Beta Released

Today we announce InfluxDB 2.0 Open Source’s official move to Beta. This represents a huge step forward from where we started out nearly a year ago and is one step closer to general availability. You can download the latest version on our downloads page. Since we announced the first Alpha for InfluxDB 2.0 back in January ‘19, we have been working hard to build out and harden InfluxDB 2.0’s capabilities.

Rancher 2.3: Istio and Kiali

Rancher is a single point of control to manage all your kubernetes clusters anywhere. Rancher 2.3.x was released a few weeks back and it came with huge updates. Top Features included Istio and Windows nodes support. In this article, we will mainly discuss Istio support offered out of the box through the Rancher UI, see an example deployment, and visualize it via the Kiali dashboard.

Comparing Managed Redis Services on AWS, Azure, and GCP

Redis is an in-memory data store. It’s predominantly a key/value store, so it does not have features in many relational databases. It can be used as a simple database, a cache, or as a pub/sub system. Since it’s all in-memory, it is very fast, but it also requires alot of memory. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform all provide their own managed Redis services. The available versions and features vary from provider to provider. Let’s take a closer look.