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Optimizing SD-WAN Monitoring and MSP Team Productivity in Co-Managed Environments with Obkio's MSP Plan

At Obkio, our mission is to provide comprehensive network monitoring and troubleshooting solutions tailored specifically for MSPs (Managed Service Providers), ensuring the proper functioning of their networks and services for their clients. MSPs are a big part of our client base and we've had the chance to chat with numerous business owners and network admins to really get to the core of their needs. Why?

FAQs about SharePoint Online

In today’s digital age, the ability to collaborate effectively and manage documents efficiently is more critical than ever. Enter SharePoint Online, a powerful cloud-based platform by Microsoft that is revolutionizing the way organizations operate. It’s more than just a tool; it’s a game-changer in the realm of digital collaboration and content management.

The Leading Observability Tools

Now, many teams are incorporating microservices architecture, with this trend only continuing. This allows them to employ their applications across distributed environments. Whilst this is advantageous as it makes it much simpler to build, scale, and deliver it can also become much more challenging to monitor and troubleshoot the components that make up the environment.

Three Ways to Gain End-to-End Network Coverage and Visibility

Network operations teams face many challenges in ensuring optimal network performance and availability in today's complex and dynamic environments. These teams need to monitor and manage multiple devices, technologies, and vendors, while contending with huge amounts of data and significant complexity. How can your teams get a clear and accurate picture of your network performance and health?

How to overcome Failover Cluster performance issues

In the final portion of our two-part blog on Failover Clusters, we'll utilize a helpful checklist to uncover resolutions for performance and cluster compromise issues, and explore practical solutions provided by MangeEngine Site24x7. Failover Clusters are advantageous when it comes to maintaining high-availability levels. But they do come with their set of challenges which we have already covered on our blog on the Failover Cluster performance issues.

Prometheus vs. Elasticsearch

In the field of data management, Prometheus and Elasticsearch are popular names. They have proved to be quite effective when coming to monitoring applications and websites and providing reliable feedback. While Prometheus offers metrics monitoring at a good level, Elastic Stack is a comprehensive platform offering complete collection, storage, and analysis of data from start to finish. This and a few other minor differences sets these two monitoring solutions apart.

A Guide to Log4j for Logging in Java

Log4j is a logging framework for Java, facilitating the systematic recording of runtime information in software applications. Developed by the Apache Software Foundation, Log4j has become a standard tool in Java development since its inception in 1996. Its primary purpose is to generate log messages that provide insights into the application's execution, aiding developers in debugging, monitoring, and analysing software behaviour.

Understanding FinOps: Principles, Tools, and Measuring Success

FinOps is a cultural practice that brings financial accountability to the world of cloud computing. It’s a strategic approach that aids organizations in understanding their cloud costs and making informed business decisions. FinOps is a new way of managing costs in an IT environment that is increasingly shifting towards the variable cost model of cloud services. It combines the best of the technical and financial worlds, resulting in an effective model for managing cloud costs.

Cloud Native Security vs. Third-Party Tools: How to Choose (and Why You Might Not Have To)

Your cloud platform probably came with tools to secure and manage the resources you create. We call those cloud-native security tools because they’re proprietary to the vendor you’re using them on. Third-party alternatives, on the other hand, are usually created to be compatible with several cloud provider platforms at once.