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Getting Started with the InfluxDB Go Client

There are several ways to write and query InfluxDB v2 (either open source or Cloud). You can use the HTTP API, Telegraf and any of 200+ plugins, or a client library. However, if you’re specifically looking to build an application with a fast way to fetch data concurrently with an easy binary deploy then — you guessed it — you’d probably want to use the InfluxDB Go Client.

Working from home? So are we, Uptrends style.

The shelter-in-place requirements around the world due to COVID-19 have prevented us from getting out much, but it has also opened views into a world we probably wouldn’t see otherwise. Not only do we get glimpses into celebrity homes as we watch the news, late-night talk shows, and concerts, we get to see into the lives and homes of the people we used to see in the office every day.

Continuously manage your CircleCI implementation with Coralogix

For many companies today business success depends on quality efficient build, test and delivery processes. Development and deployment environments become complex very quickly, even for small and medium companies. A contributing factor to this complexity is companies’ adoption of microservices. This is where modern CI/CD solutions like CircleCI come in to help streamline these processes.

Logz.io Infrastructure Monitoring: Building Grafana Visualizations

Yesterday, my colleague Mike Elsmore wrote a blog about sending metrics to Logz.io Infrastructure monitoring – now let’s analyze them by building Grafana visualizations! Once you’ve started to send metric data to Logz.io, how do you visualize and interpret that data so that it’s useful for you? In Logz.io Infrastructure Monitoring, we use Grafana to provide dashboards and bring meaningful information to light.

5 key network aspects to focus on for HIPAA compliance

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA, is a compliance standard that was implemented after all health-related information was digitized. The crux of the act is to ensure that all sensitive electronic protected health information (ePHI) has restricted, secure access. Various aspects of your network determine your compliance with HIPAA standards. Let’s discuss some of these important components in detail.

Dissecting Rails Migrations

In today’s post, we’ll take a deep dive into Rails migrations. We’ll break down the migration into different pieces, and in the process, learn how to write an effective migration. We’ll learn how to write migrations for multiple databases, as well as how to handle failed migrations and techniques of performing rollbacks. To understand the whole post, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of databases and Rails.

How histograms changed the game for monitoring time series with Prometheus

Histograms are one of my favorite topics in the Prometheus universe. Last November, I delivered a talk at PromCon EU 2019 that was titled Prometheus Histograms – Past, Present, and Future. Only the part about the past had to be cut due to time constraints. But I made a promise to resurrect my talk about the history of histograms and I kept my word. In February, I premiered the Secret History of Prometheus Histograms at FOSDEM 2020.