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Serverless Continuous Integration in the era of parallelism

As a team that does pure serverless, we place a lot of emphasis on fast deployments. Lately, though, as our codebase has gotten larger, and the number of interactions between the microservices has increased, we have come up against the classic problem of excessively long test execution times in our serverless continuous integration.

Setting Up a Distributed Crisis Management Team for COVID-19? We Can Help

COVID-19 is forcing many teams into crisis mode, as they rush to meet customer and employee needs in our new socially distanced reality. Organizations with experienced crisis management teams are urgently adding capacity and adapting to distributed working models. And those who haven’t built crisis response teams before are grappling with how to rapidly train employees and get access to the right tools.

Are you worried about your office systems? Discover Pandora FMS remote monitoring software

COVID-19 is and will be the talk of the town due to its large-scale social, humanitarian and economic repercussions, but how can it affect a company’s systems? Many employers find themselves in the need to offer their employees remote working options, which means leaving the offices empty without actual machine supervision, which calls for a remote monitoring software to monitor their systems.

From distributed tracing to distributed profiling with Elastic APM

Distributed tracing is great — it helps you identify (micro)services within complex architectures having issues interfering with user experience, such as high latency or errors. But once a problematic service is identified, it can be difficult to find out which methods are to blame for the slowdown. Well, we have some big news to share for our Elastic APM users within the Java ecosystem.

Searching GitHub: Improving developer efficiency with Workplace Search

More than 40 million people use GitHub as a collaboration tool for building software around the world. For most companies — including distributed teams like Elastic — GitHub has become a critical content source for building software, holding much of the information and knowledge upon which the organizations are built, across items like issues, pull requests, and more.

3 Growth Hacks for Data-Driven Marketing

With this click-bait title and an answer as short as “more leads, better leads and cheaper leads”, I could wrap this article up in one sentence. Yet, even though that answer would not be very far from the truth for many startups, there is a lot more to it. Marketing is all about measurable results. The days when you could buy a billboard next to a football field without asking a few critical ROI questions are long gone.

How to forward alerts to Slack

Ever since the release of our Teams Integration blog we have received requests from customers on whether we can provide the same functionality for Slack. And the use cases actually are very similar – it is always about an efficient and pragmatic approach to logging issues and tickets that came up during the night by leveraging existing infrastructure and without adding more clutter.

Planning for continuity with COVID-19

COVID-19 has put the business continuity plans of every SaaS company to the test, and the test isn’t over. But we’ve learned a few things in the last week that I’m hoping will help your organization. It’s all about people This isn’t a traditional BC/DR scenario, where a disaster like an earthquake knocks a data center offline. It’s about how we adapt to support employees connecting and operating from home, so we can maintain our support for our customers.

Nearly 1,000 organizations worldwide implement ServiceNow's free emergency response apps

On March 16th ServiceNow released four emergency response apps free of charge to help organizations manage through the COVID-19 pandemic. To date nearly 1,000 different organizations have started leveraging these apps to assist their employees during the crisis. They include federal and state agencies as well as hospitals and healthcare organizations. ServiceNow is working with its partners, including Accenture, Deloitte, DXC Technology, EY and KPMG, to distribute and support the apps.

Integrating LaunchDarkly with Sleuth

Today, we’re excited to announce you can now integrate LaunchDarkly with Sleuth, allowing you to track feature flags as a source of change in your DevOps stack. The Integration LaunchDarkly gives developers fine-grained control over which users see which features, and with our native LaunchDarkly integration you can now track the status and impact of feature flags relative to other source changes in your projects, such as code, issues, etc.