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5 Reasons Why Demand For Colocation Space Is Growing Across Asia Pacific

Demand for colocation space is continuing to accelerate across the Asia Pacific region. According to research by Global Data, data centre and hosting services revenue is estimated to reach around $32 billion by 2023, giving the region an almost 30% share of the overall global data centre market. Let’s take a closer look at what’s driving that growth…

The Importance of "Soft" Skills in the Digital Age

First, I hate the term “soft” skills. I prefer we call them essential or non-technical skills or even essential non-technical skills, as that would be more accurate and not have implications about difficulty. I firmly believe these skills are crucial even in normal times. As the year wears on and there’s no end in sight for a remote workforce, I want to take a few moments to recognize the importance of these non-technical skills in this environment.

One Company, Multiple Monitoring Mindsets

Monitoring plays a critical part in the success of any business that relies on its digital services. Businesses want to understand the end-user experience, which enables or hinders good end-user experience, and how it relates to their business revenue. It plays a crucial role in answering some critical questions. Interestingly, our recent 2020 CIO Survey results highlight how the monitoring approach adopted by top/bottom tier organisations impact the overall business metrics.

PagerDuty to Acquire Rundeck

Today is a great day for PagerDuty customers, practitioners, partners, and employees as we’ve entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Rundeck, a Californian start-up that’s a leader and innovator in DevOps automation. Before I get into the technicalities of what our solutions can do together, let me first set the scene on why we decided to do this, now.

PagerDuty: Simplified Pricing and More Value

We are simplifying our pricing plans to provide you, our customers, with more value and to help you more easily choose the right package for your team and organization. Whether your team is just getting started with on-call or you’re ready to take a more proactive approach to digital operations, PagerDuty has a plan that is right for you. Read on to learn more about our new plan options, find out what’s best for your team’s needs, and see how PagerDuty can grow with you.

The PagerDuty Platform Release: It's Time to Master Digital Operations

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, increasingly complex and often distributed technology environments posed a challenge for software-driven enterprises. Now, the global health catastrophe has accelerated digital transformation timelines and forced a complete shift to digital interactions between enterprises and customers, as well as internally between teams and coworkers. What IT professionals have accomplished in the past 6 months is nothing short of astounding.

Enterprise monitoring software: what to know before choosing

Finding an enterprise monitoring software is not an easy task. On the one hand, there are multiple options on the market that offer solutions of all kinds. On the other hand, you know that the implementation and eventual replacement of a tool with these features can be a burden and that, if you make a bad decision, you will regret it later.

How to configure HTTPS for an Nginx Docker Container

There are a few ways to effectively configure HTTPs for an Nginx Docker Container. In this guide, we will quickly cover configuration through the use of free certificate authority Let’s Encrypt. For plenty of people, using Let’s Encrypt to configure HTTPS for an Nginx docker container is a good option. A paid version like Comodo’s SSL certificates may make more sense if you want to increase the security of your site and server.

Nexthink Further Enhances UI for Experience Platform

In February 2020, Nexthink introduced its new design system, Apollo. While it unveiled some great new accessibility and design features, its true raison d’être was everything happening on the back-end, a powerful new design engine to scale and accelerate the roll-out of new features. Well, 6 months later and here we are. As promised, this latest round of enhancements offers several intuitive modifications to make IT’s life easier when supporting the Digital Employee Experience.

TL;DR InfluxDB Tech Tips - How to Use the CLI Locally to Access the Flux REPL and Write a Regular CSV to InfluxDB Cloud

In this post we share how to use the InfluxDB CLI with InfluxDB Cloud. This TL;DR assumes that you have registered for an InfluxDB Cloud account – registering for a free account is the easiest way to get started with InfluxDB.