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Rancher 2.3: Istio and Kiali

Rancher is a single point of control to manage all your kubernetes clusters anywhere. Rancher 2.3.x was released a few weeks back and it came with huge updates. Top Features included Istio and Windows nodes support. In this article, we will mainly discuss Istio support offered out of the box through the Rancher UI, see an example deployment, and visualize it via the Kiali dashboard.

Comparing Managed Redis Services on AWS, Azure, and GCP

Redis is an in-memory data store. It’s predominantly a key/value store, so it does not have features in many relational databases. It can be used as a simple database, a cache, or as a pub/sub system. Since it’s all in-memory, it is very fast, but it also requires alot of memory. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform all provide their own managed Redis services. The available versions and features vary from provider to provider. Let’s take a closer look.

Self-hosted Sentry 10 is ready to serve - get it while it's hot!

At Sentry, we pride ourselves on having an open kitchen; everyone can see how we prepare our main dishes as an open-source company. As you may have noticed, we’ve been working hard to bring you a version that’s incredibly easy to set up and maintain: Sentry 10! It’s available today! Before you start hammering PyPI, GitHub, or Docker servers, please read on as there are important changes that need your attention.

Best of 2019: Ivanti's Most Viewed Blogs

If you're one of the lucky ones, 2019 was a great year for you. All the fortune cookies came true, and for that, we're happy for you. Some of us were not as lucky, as our fortune cookies were full of lies and false hopes. Simply hearing the word "2019" is so triggering we need a safe space. Deep breaths—2020 will be better. Regardless of anyone's personal experience with 2019, one thing is for sure regarding this little corner of the internet: the Ivanti blog totally slayed.

How to optimize AWS Lambda performance

AWS Lambda has become the most widely used deployment pattern for serverless applications. It allows developers to set aside worrying about server provisioning, maintenance, idle capacity management and scaling, and instead to focus solely on writing business logic. But that’s not entirely true. Because while Lambda is a self-managed AWS service, it still requires careful design to get the best performance out of the computation capabilities it provides.