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Vagrant vs. Docker: Which Is Better for Software Development?

The last fifteen years have seen huge increases in developer productivity for several reasons, including the arrival of open source into the mainstream and the ability to better emulate target environments. In addition, the process of resetting a development environment back to the last known stable version has been vastly improved by Vagrant and then Docker.

Top 10 Web Applications for Data Visualization

Data visualization is an essential concept in the field of data science. So much so that whenever you want to analyze any set of data, you must always incorporate data visualization. Regardless, the majority of people still do not have a proper understanding of this concept and how to implement it. Therefore, in this article, we define data visualization and examine ten website applications for performing it.

Improving IoT security with log management

The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has set the beginning of a new age of data transfer. Each day, a massive number of new devices get added to all kinds of network infrastructures, transferring gargantuan amounts of data back and forth. In the next decade, we expect the number of IoTs to grow to a staggering 80 billion connected devices – practically outnumbering the human population tenfold.

re:Invent Serverless Talks - Serverless SaaS Deep Dive

Have you ever have that dream where you’re in a class on Classical Tibetan Algebra? And you haven’t done any homework all semester? AND it’s the final? That was me in this session: I was WAY in over my head with this one. Tod Golding’s material was so high-level that I got a nose bleed. Seriously. My nose started gushing 10 minutes in. This Portland dewdrop is NOT used to the dry desert and casino AC air.

Monitor AWS IAM Access Analyzer findings with Datadog

As you monitor the health and performance of your infrastructure and applications, you also need to be able to identify potential threats to the security of those components. To help address this challenge, we’re pleased to announce that Datadog now integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer, a new IAM feature that helps administrators ensure that they have securely configured access to their resources.

Where is the enterprise network market heading in 2020?

The networking field is changing quickly with the emergence of new technologies. This change, along with the onset of digital transformation and increasing cloud-adoption, highlights how businesses have realized the importance of the third platform, as it interconnects mobile computing, cloud computing, social media, and information analytics. 2019 has been the year of edge computing and the dawn of the SD-WAN.

[PromCon Recap] A Look at TSDB, One Year In

This is a writeup of the talk I gave at PromCon 2019. TSDB is the storage engine of Prometheus 2.x. Based on the Gorilla compression, it started out in an independent repo, which eventually attracted 60+ contributors and 771 stars. There were 500+ commits after the Prometheus 2.0 release. The repo was archived in August 2019, and now it’s a part of the Prometheus repo, inside the tsdb directory. Here are some highlights of the development over the past year.

5 Reasons Why IT Asset Management Is Key to Your Business

The holiday season is always a good time to slow down, meditate, and be grateful for family, friends, and the blessings you have in your life. And believe it or not, I think this is a good practice to do in IT as well. You’re fighting the good fight day after day, extinguishing fires, battling resource and budget constraints, and dealing with more than enough on your Christmas dinner plate.