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Tigera Joins the Fortinet Fabric-Ready Program and Partners with Fortinet to Secure Kubernetes Environments

We are proud to partner with Fortinet and join their Fabric-Ready Technology Alliance Partner program. With this partnership, Fortinet customers will be able to extend their network security architecture to their Kubernetes environments. Our partnership was driven from interest from Fortinet’s customers to protect their Kubernetes based infrastructure. Kubernetes adoption is growing like wildfire and nearly every enterprise on the planet is at some stage of their Kubernetes journey.

Unlearning these five fallacies will make you more innovative

All companies have one thing in common: they’re going through a large amount of change. Part of my role at Atlassian involves me traveling around the world and not only doing talks at conferences, but actually meeting our customers at their offices to learn about the challenges they face. I see organizations of all shapes and sizes (but especially the older, larger ones) having to reinvent themselves and find new ways of working in order to stay relevant.

How AIOps and CMDB can work in concert to manage IT changes

Do you ever find yourself blindsided by the impacts of proposed IT infrastructure changes? There are ways to avoid unexpected consequences of IT change management. In their latest research, Gartner describes how I&O leaders can improve observability, customer experience and business health by starting with AIOps, adding CMDB and, finally, using both working in concert. We summarized the key takeaways of the research for you in this blog.

AWS Twitch Series Webcast | CHAOSSEARCH

Lights, Cameras, CHAOSSEARCH Yesterday, Thomas and I had the opportunity to sit down with AM and Nicki from the AWS Twitch series, Build with AM & Nicki. If you’re unfamiliar with the series, it’s definitely a must watch for all things AWS, with a high focus on the different services you can leverage to build products or applications for your business.

12 Keyword Research Tools to Help You Find the Best Search Terms for Your Business

Lots of businesses struggle with keyword research and finding the best search terms for their business regardless of the ever-present and readily available advice on keyword research. It’s no secret that there’s a lot involved in getting the best search terms that fit your business niche. For starters, it’s essential to understand that a solid keyword research strategy is necessary to guide the overall marketing strategy.

Modernise Windows 2008 Apps, Automatically!

With support for Windows 2008 shrinking, most enterprises are looking for options to move their apps onto newer versions of Windows (2016 or 2019). Some enterprises are okay paying through their nose for extended support, the majority cannot afford it! Some enterprises started migrating these apps ahead of time, however, some are stuck on which option to choose (re-write or re-platform).

Enable SSO and MFA by adding SIGNL4 as an enterprise app in Azure Active Directory

This article describes how SIGNL4 can be generally authorized as an enterprise app for Azure AD users (Marketplace Link). This is important if you want to implement the use of SIGNL4 in your company with existing user accounts from the Azure AD.

Aggregating, Managing and Centralizing Docker Container Logs With Graylog

Docker containers are an amazing invention that simplified the lives of many IT departments. Container images are lightweight, easily standardizable, and highly secure. Docker is the technology of choice when you need to run several different (and possibly newer) applications on the same servers.