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Unlock the flexibility and financial benefits of Azure VMs with Site24x7

Virtual machines (VMs) are one of the on-demand, scalable computing resources that Microsoft Azure offers. They enable streamlined allocation of resources in backup, disaster recovery, and deployment environments. A VM is typically chosen when you need more control over your computing environment. However, Azure VMs come with the challenge of simultaneously monitoring them across multiple environments when the VMs are spread unevenly, with some being overutilized and others underutilized.

Qovery and the Twelve-Factor App methodology

The Twelve-Factor App methodology is a methodology for building platform-agnostic and resilient applications. It was introduced by Adam Wiggins while working at Heroku in 2011. Nearly 10 years later, this methodology is still considered by the developer community as an excellent practice to follow when building an application. In this article, we will see step by step how Qovery respects and improves the 12-factor methodology. Here we go.

How Businesses Can Gain Commercial Value from Kubernetes Deployments

Our very own regional director of Northern EMEA, Jeroen Overmaat, recently joined our partner, Magic Sandbox BV (MSB), for the inaugural episode of Magic Devcast, their new technology podcast. Magic Devcast brings together technology industry personalities and influencers from around the world to discuss how they tackle the ever-changing landscape, how to approach remote work, learning and much more.

Integrating Coralogix Alerts with PagerDuty

Coralogix offers the most extensive alerting mechanism in the logging market, including built-in webhooks for PagerDuty, custom webhooks, and automatic resolve notifications. PagerDuty is a leader in digital operations management. In an always-on world, organizations of all sizes trust PagerDuty to help them deliver a perfect digital experience to their customers, every time.

Announcing the GitKraken Suite

We’ve always been focused on creating tools that make development teams more productive. In 2014, we introduced GitKraken, the legendary cross-platform Git GUI: an intuitive tool to visualize what’s going on under the hood of Git in a way that makes version control less intimidating for individual developers and more scalable for organizations. Next came Glo Boards, a Kanban tool for project managers and developers.

New command line client, back to Go!

It feels like a lifetime ago, well, 3 years is a lifetime in tech, that I wrote a blog post explaining how we rewrote our API server from Golang to Ruby on Rails. Here we are and I'm about to explain about how we've been back and forth doing the same thing for our CLI. Just after that time, I wrote the first version of our CLI utility in Golang. However, with only me knowing Golang on the team, we weren't able to achieve the velocity and pace of adding features within the CLI as I'd like.

Increase cloud cost savings with enhanced Kubernetes workload right-sizing

Ocean by Spot’s right-sizing feature helps cloud users optimize their workload resource utilization while reducing unnecessary infrastructure costs. Ocean continuously monitors Kubernetes workloads’ CPU and Memory usage, providing sizing recommendations for deployments based on the delta between the workload’s request and utilization.

Grafana vs Chronograf - The Dashboards

Visualization and Analytics are two of the most important aspects of monitoring without which the entire data stack could just mean NOTHING. Considering the plethora of graphing tools available in the market today, selecting the right one could often be confusing. In our blogs at Metricfire, we break down the best tools in terms of their setup efforts, usage, market competitors, pricing models, best practices, and many more. Grafana and Chronograf both are among the best tools available today.

Data Security and Privacy Techniques for Everyone

Everyone on the internet should follow good data security and privacy practices. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. IT pros aren’t the only people who need to protect their data. If you’re online in any capacity, there are some basic techniques you should use. I’m not talking about things like encryption and data masking; if I tried to tell my mother about those, she would stare blankly at me.

Monitoring Hybrid IT Environments With AppOptics

Over the past decade, organizations have been moving to a hybrid cloud model. A hybrid cloud is a form of cloud computing where applications are deployed on a combination of public clouds and private infrastructure. With a hybrid cloud, organizations can choose the most optimal deployment strategy for their applications while maintaining control over certain aspects, such as running user-facing services from a public cloud while storing sensitive data on-premise.